Guide to Life's Synchronicity & Dream Signs. Explore Kairomancy & Everyday Oracles

Be guided by signs & symbols in your dreams. Travel into the Imaginal Realm where dreams really do come true...

Many of us wish to connect with nature and the web of life. We long to know we’re not alone in the world — and yearn to live from the soul, with greater joy and purpose.

How fun would it be if you could receive clues about what’s going on beyond the surface of events? How awesome would it be to be shown your right next move for success?

That’s exactly what you’ll learn in Robert Moss’ 7-module on-demand course: Dream With the Soul of the World: Explore Kairomancy Through Dreams, Synchronicity & Everyday Oracles for a Meaningful & Enchanted Life.

You’ll also discover how across time and culture, humans have turned to oracles when they need guidance from a wise and trusted source.

Throughout the course, you’ll be trained to read the signs or symbols in your dreams — as well as in your daily life — a whisper in the breeze or the lyrics of a song blaring at you from a passing car.

Robert coined the word kairomancy to describe the practice of seizing revelations of profound self-knowledge — clues for growth, healing, and manifestation.

You’re a kairomancer when you learn how to recognize that the world is speaking to you in signs and symbols.

As you’ll discover, real magic is the art of bringing gifts from another world into this world

Have you ever thought that a coincidence you experienced was actually way beyond coincidence? 

If you look back on your life, you’ll likely realize just how much you were shaped by the people you’ve “accidentally” met and unanticipated events that changed your story and the course of your life.

For Robert Moss, bestselling author and creator of Active Dreaming, synchronicities like this happen all the time. He believes that if you pay deep attention to these extraordinary moments and recognize them as signs meant to guide you on your journey… 

… they can transform you and lead you down a path you’re supposed to travel.

Join Robert for an illuminating hour, in which you’ll explore ways to attract more synchronistic moments into your life, so you can find more meaning and direction in the narratives you create. 

This is the art of kairomancy — one of the core techniques of Robert’s signature method, Active Dreaming.

Robert will guide you to become a kairomancer — poised to recognize special moments of synchronicity and seize the opportunities they present.  

Experience the Magic of Signs, Symbols & Synchronicities in Your Dreaming & Waking Life: Learn to Enter the Imaginal Realm for Guidance, Inspiration & Healing

In this revelatory hour-long event, you’ll: 

  • Explore the arts of the kairomancer, someone who can notice extraordinary moments of synchronicity and understand the doors they open

  • Experience a journey into the Imaginal Realm to reveal the larger story you need to follow right now

  • Uncover ways to claim your voice through the power of telling your story — and have others hear (and want to hear!) you

  • Discover that there are real places in the Imaginal Realm that you can visit to encounter master teachers and experience  healing and inspiration

  • Learn about Robert’s original and powerful “Dream Transfer” technique which will enable you to bring a dream to someone in need of a dream — a healing image, a vision of life possibility, or even a road map to the next world

  • Understand that the stronger your imagination, the less imaginary your result will be!

Through wonderful stories and games, you’ll learn how to find more luminous moments and navigate your life with greater purpose and delight

As you do, you’re not only creating new narratives for yourself, you’re also cultivating your skills and magnetism as a storyteller — discovering how to claim your voice so others want to hear you

You’ll learn how to bring grander stories to those who are lost and can’t locate them, as you become a dream grower, accessing bigger dreams for people who need them.

Robert, an enthralling dreamer and storyteller himself, will take you on an experiential journey, empowered by shamanic drumming, into a magical place in the realm of true imagination… 

… where you’ll sift through a library of images and signs to recover lost dreams and find the story — the big dream — you need for your life right now.

> You can RSVP for free recording here <

Read more: Guide to Life's Synchronicity & Dream Signs. Explore Kairomancy & Everyday Oracles


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