Learn to self-regulate your emotions through the felt sense

Explore BioDynamic Breathwork with Giten Tonkov.

Oftentimes, past traumas and conditioning have us automatically attaching judgment to what we’re feeling — without really considering the deeper possibilities of what a particular sensation might be trying to tell us. 

But what if what you’re feeling in your body isn’t good or bad — but simply a felt sensation that holds powerful insights for healing and transformation?

Giten Tonkov, founder of BioDynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release, says letting go of preconceived judgments about what you are feeling can help you deactivate the emotions that are rattling your nervous system — and the mental, emotional, and physical imbalances this reactivity can trigger.

You can explore Giten’s potent approach to healing during this free online event, Explore Felt-Sense Training With BioDynamic Breathwork: Embodied Practices to Break the Cycle of Trauma & Release Buried Emotional Energy.

… including techniques that guide you inward to identify and illuminate the true meaning of your felt sensations beyond emotions — a process that resets your nervous system and instills greater calm, clarity, and agency.

Register here to access event recording right away.

Learn BioDynamic Breathwork with Giten Tonkov to self-regulate your emotions through the felt sense

He’ll also share how you can begin to track felt sensations to support trauma release — and uncouple felt sensations from emotional charge to deactivate unhealthy emotional loops.

In this free online event, you’ll:

  • Discover how Biodynamic Breathwork and the felt sense can facilitate trauma release — and explore the correlation between the six elements of Biodynamic Breathwork and the concept and theory of felt sense

  • Be guided in a breathing exercise to activate and identify the energetic charge in the body and reawaken dormant felt sensations 

  • Explore how felt sense is instrumental to somatic and healing therapies as it reconnects you to the wisdom of the physical body 

  • Begin to track felt sensations to support trauma release — and uncouple felt sensations from emotional charge to deactivate unhealthy emotional loops

  • Discover why working with felt sense supports deeper reconnection to the physical body in the moment and melts physical armoring — as your energy starts to flow again 

The six elements of Giten’s BioDynamic Breathwork practice — breath, movement, touch, sound, emotional expression, meditation — combined with the language and approach of felt sense training, can help you uncouple from emotional reactivity…

… as you bring awareness to your felt sensations, identify what you’re really feeling, and begin to shift out of non-beneficial states — physically, mentally, emotionally, and even spiritually.  

JOIN here to watch recording instantly and learn more considering extra training offered.

Read more: Learn to self-regulate your emotions through the felt sense


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