Find Wholeness & Guidance: Meet Your Nature Parents from the Q'ero Tradition

Explore the wisdom of the Q’ero people & your unique nature parents. Learn how to honor the natural world & receive blessings & guidance.

Are you seeking hope, empowerment, and a deeper more personal connection to the natural world — especially in light of the current global and climate crisis? 

By cooperating within this larger living system, you can receive help and guidance and create profound and reciprocal relationships with what the Q’ero see as your unique nature parents — your Mother Water and Father Mountain.

In a profound free online event Explore Inka Nature Wisdom of the Q’ero:

Experience a Guided Andean Cosmovision Energy Practice for Communion With the Natural World

… Elizabeth Jenkins, an anointed teacher of the Inka Nature Wisdom Tradition of the Q’ero people of South America, will guide you in an exploration of Andean cosmovision and the teachings and practices of the Q’ero people, which can help you discover who your nature parents are.

Elizabeth will explain why the Q’eros see this spiritual connection and the accompanying wisdom as essential for achieving wholeness, happiness, and fulfillment. Not having a real relationship with your nature parents leaves a feeling of disconnection and lack of inner resources.  

Indeed, they can provide a wiser, more unconditional sense of support than your biological parents ever could.

When you learn how to ask them for assistance, you’ll experience a new way of perceiving yourself as part of a sacred geography that can guide and support your spiritual evolution with wisdom and unconditional love.

It’s a journey of deepening your inextricable and reciprocal connection with nature through communication with your Mother Water and Father Mountain spirits. 

One of the most important principles of the Q’ero people is the re-sacrelization of nature, and during this hour with Elizabeth, she’ll guide you through a sacred exchange with the living energies of nature

Why is that important? When you participate in a constant life-giving exchange with nature, you’ll know that you’re never alone, making life feel more vibrant and loving.

Over 35 years ago, Elizabeth had a profound spiritual encounter in Peru that radically changed the course of her life. 

Ever since, she’s been devoted to understanding, integrating, and deepening her journey in communication with nature and Mother Earth, through the Inka Nature Wisdom of the Q’ero.

She carries out important service projects to help the communities of the Hatun Q’eros, which has given her credibility with their spiritual and governmental authorities. 

Her profound yet simple teachings have helped countless people from diverse paths achieve heightened wellbeing, find inner and outer harmony, and connect with their personal power.

> You can register here for Explore Inka Nature Wisdom of the Q’ero

Guided Andean Cosmovision Energy Practice for Communion With the Natural World

In this illuminating one-hour online event, you’ll:

  • Discover that you were born with FOUR parents — your birth parents and your unique nature parents (who are just for YOU!) — and, as you get to know your personal nature beings, you’ll feel more supported and loved and have a heightened sense of inner peace and resilience

  • Be guided in experiential energy exchanges with nature to feel your inseparable connection with your nature parents

  • Understand that you’re not alone, but part of a wise, unconditionally loving, sacred geography that’s alive and conscious and always guiding you to spiritually evolve 

  • Learn how to cultivate a cooperative, reciprocal relationship with nature — and communicate with this larger living system, which will offer you the assistance you need

  • Realize that the concepts of good, bad, positive, negative, heavy, or light don’t exist in nature, enabling you to live more freely

You can RSVP for free here

Read more: Find Wholeness & Guidance: Meet Your Nature Parents from the Q'ero Tradition


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