Enneagram Workshop: Chart Your Personal Breakthrough w/ Beatrice Chestnut

Discover the Enneagram’s 3-stage path for self-development.

Do you feel stuck or unfulfilled in an area of your life — or confused about why you can’t seem to catch a break?

Beatrice Chestnut, Enneagram teacher and psychotherapist, says the Enneagram may be able to help you create a personal breakthrough by deepening your understanding of the aspects of your personality that support and prevent transformation.

Beatrice at this free online event will explore how working with this ancient personality typing tool can propel your evolution forward by unveiling your blocks and your gifts, and expanding your capacity for self-love and acceptance.
> Register here for Chart a Personal Breakthrough With the Enneagram. 

Chart a Personal Breakthrough With the Enneagram

During her event, she’ll guide us in an experience to begin cultivating “witness consciousness” — the ability to self-observe in a compassionate, unbiased way — as a powerful entry point to the Enneagram’s 3-stage path to self-development.  

In this workshop, you’ll:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the Enneagram, its roots, and its 9 types — and how it can illuminate your unique path to transformation 

  • Explore what it means to disidentify from personality — and how you can use the Enneagram type to develop new capacities and strengths, including learning to love and accept yourself 

  • Discover the “3-stage” path of self-development mapped out by the Enneagram system — and how it can help you gain clarity on what you need to do to grow and change, and make progress in your self-development

  • Learn how the Enneagram can help you with your specific issues — and get motivated to change through the Enneagram’s process for relieving specific kinds of suffering

Beatrice has been working with the Enneagram for 30 years and has used the Enneagram as a lifelong tool for expanding her own inner work. 

She views its ancient teachings as an important modern-day framework for our personal and spiritual evolution — and for raising global consciousness to create a more positive, sustainable, and self-aware world.

If this calls to you join us for this free workshop (recording) and/or extra training starting August 29.

Read more: Enneagram Workshop: Chart Your Personal Breakthrough w/ Beatrice Chestnut


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