Here's How Your Electric Health Can Boost Your Immunity, Mood, & Wellbeing
Experience tuning-fork treatments to transmute fear and anxiety (deep in your bones). These days, many of us are experiencing more fear, anxiety, frustration, anger, overwhelm, and grief than perhaps we ever have before. These difficult feelings can become energetically stuck in your body, zapping your life-force energy, and even setting off chain reactions that can cause physical and emotional dis-ease. And whatever affects your immune system affects your electric health as well. That’s because the life-force energies flowing through and around you — in what sound-therapy pioneer Eileen McKusick calls your biofield — have electromagnetic qualities that become disharmonized when your system is out of balance. The good news is that sound, in the form of the coherent vibrations and tones of a medical tuning fork, can reduce this dissonance and resistance in your body’s electrical system. Eileen will help you start to harmonize...