Flow into Strength & Balance with Liu He Ba Fa - 1,000-year-old Chinese martial art form that’s translated as “Water Style.”

Integrate yin & yang for inner harmony Does life’s unpredictability sometimes leave you feeling off balance? Just as water can flow effortlessly around obstacles like a peaceful stream, Daoist philosophy teaches that you can stay grounded and resilient when you stay in a state of flow no matter what life throws your way. You’re invited to join Master Helen Liang, a world-renowned Tai Chi & Qigong martial artist on Tuesday, December 17 — and learn how you can cultivate the inner power and balance to respond to tough situations with grace and power with Liu He Ba Fa, a 1,000-year-old Chinese martial art form that’s translated as “Water Style.” As Master Helen will explain, Liu He Ba Fa is led by the heart-mind and blends the principles of Qigong, Tai Chi, Xing Yi, and bagua with physical training and spiritual cultivation. Until recently Liu He Ba Fa was primarily taught only in closely guarded circles When you join us, you’ll e...