Find Your Helping Spirits through Ceremonial Shamanic Journeying

Gain new insights about the worlds beyond our world.

At the heart of shamanic journeying lies the belief that the soul can traverse beyond the confines of the physical body, entering into realms where timeless wisdom and divine entities await from helping spirits.

Join renowned shamanism teacher Sandra Ingerman for a free online event on Saturday, December 9, where she’ll share that these beings, often in the form of animals, ancestors, guides, guardians, and nature beings offer insights, healing, and guidance through the ceremonial practice of shamanic journeying…

… a sacred path through the unseen landscapes where the Divine reveals itself in myriad forms.

>> Register here for Find Your Helping Spirits in Shamanic Ceremony: Empower Your Healing Journey With Wisdom Transmissions From Unseen Realms <<

ceremonial shamanic journeying with Sandra Ingerman

Sandra, a beloved Shift faculty member, respected visionary, and elder within the shamanic community, will also share what it’s like to have a visceral experience with helping spirits through shamanic journeying.

Sandra has been teaching others how to traverse these otherworldly realms for more than 40 years.

Shamans have long journeyed to the unseen realms to connect with spirits, nature beings, ancestors, and others who could help them navigate struggle, pain, and critical points in their lives — and with Sandra’s guidance, you can too.

In this inspiring online event, you’ll:

  • Drop into the true experience of what it feels, looks, and sounds like to have a deep intimate connection with divine beings and nature spirits of the unseen realms

  • Discover the ceremonial magic and healing potential of connecting with helping spirits through sacred shamanic journeying 

  • Explore the tangible benefits of shamanism — and how the wisdom of unseen worlds may hold the solutions we need to navigate times of great uncertainty and change

  • Be suffused with expanded possibility as you allow Sandra’s drumming to take you beyond the limiting constructs of conditioning

She’ll also guide us in a playful ceremonial meditation to release our burdens and submit our greatest dreams to the creative forces of the universe.

>> If gaining deep deep shamanic insights from a beloved teacher calls to you, RSVP for free here <<

Join us on Saturday, December 9, for renowned shamanic teacher Sandra Ingerman’s free online event, Find Your Helping Spirits in Shamanic Ceremony: Empower Your Healing Journey With Wisdom Transmissions From Unseen Realms

… where Sandra will share the life-changing experience of developing a tangible connection with helping spirits in the worlds beyond ours, including how she can feel her guardian holding her hand as they sit on the warm earth and drink tea together.

Read more: Find Your Helping Spirits through Ceremonial Shamanic Journeying


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