Proven Remedies for Vaccine Damage & Injury True Stories (Free Book)

What’s the truth about vaccines? Are they “safe and effective”? Do the benefits outweigh the risks?

Are they linked to autism? What about SIDS? What about sudden deaths and myocarditis? 

Do you regret getting the COVID vaccine? Do you wish you’d never vaccinated your child with the CDC’s schedule?

Would you want to know how to make your body, or your child’s body, healthy again?

The truth is that there are proven remedies for vaccine damage!

Filmmakers and health freedom advocates - Ty and Charlene Bollinger - have created an 8-episode documentary that you are NOT going to want to miss. It’s called REMEDY and it’s going to blow your mind!

Learn How to Regenerate Repair & Rebuild after Vaccine Injury REMEDY Film

Their team has gone all out filming and producing REMEDY – and they’ve created the biggest, most comprehensive film I’ve ever seen on the topic of vaccines, including many of the “hidden” and “suppressed” remedies to vaccine damage.

>> Click here to watch the trailer and reserve your free seat! <<

No matter where you fall on the spectrum, whether you vaccinate or you don’t, the reality is that vaccines have become THE hot-button issue of our time, especially considering the coronavirus injection that has been associated with so many injuries and deaths.

Here’s what sets this film apart from anything else I’ve seen: REMEDY  provides solutions for those who have suffered vaccine damage from the CDC’s recommended shots (not just Covid-19 but all of the vaccines on the current schedule), thus offering real hope and actual remedies for those who might be living in fear as well as those who are already vaccine damaged.

>> Click here and get the full details about this explosive 8-episode docu-series and how you can watch the thing starting July 26th.

Here’s to discovering the truth about vaccines...

It’s 100% FREE for you to watch. Why? Because this is one of the most controversial issues facing parents today, and there’s a mountain of misinformation, propaganda, and fear-mongering on the subject. If you’d like to know the TRUTH about vaccines, you cannot afford to miss this groundbreaking 8-episode docu-series.

>> Click here to get a sneak peek and register to watch for free <<

True Stories of Vaccine Injury - Complimentary eBook:

Did you know that vaccine manufacturers in the USA have no liability for injury or death resulting from their products? Plaintiffs are not able to sue the manufacturer for damages but are instead required to go through the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), in which victims end up suing their own government in a specially appointed court.

And did you know that over the past 30 years, almost $5 Billion has been paid from the VICP to families of those damaged (or killed) by vaccines? This is despite the absurd rules of the “kangaroo court” that make it nearly impossible for victims to even have their cases heard.

My friends over at The Truth About Vaccines®, Ty and Charlene Bollinger, have put together a collection of true stories from the past half-century exposing the corruption and collusion between Big Pharma and the government, and the sad but true stories of some of the people who have been injured and received damages.

They’ve compiled these stories in a 53-page eBook -- The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (True Stories Behind Nearly $5 Billion in Damages) -- which you can get as a FREE gift, right now.

Vaccine injury compensation program true stories behind $5B in Health Damages


When you download the eBook, you’ll automatically reserve your FREE “front row seat” to watch Ty and Charlene’s brand-new, eye-opening, 8-episode docu-series – REMEDY – beginning July 26th.

Read more: Proven Remedies for Vaccine Damage & Injury True Stories (Free Book)


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