Harmonize Your Whole Being w/ Native American-Style Flute: Feel the Power of Music for Transformation

Discover Your 5 Energy Centers Using 5 Sacred Seed Sounds to Awaken Healing & Inner Attunement.

Making music is your birthright as a human being.

According to Christine Stevens, one of the most accessible and fulfilling ways to express ourselves musically is with the Native American-style flute, because it’s crafted in the five notes of the pentatonic scale…

… and no matter how you combine them, it’s absolutely and even technically impossible to make a mistake.

The Native American-style flute, especially played improvisationally, can be a potent ally for you on your personal path to transformation — physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually — enabling you to become more grounded and achieve greater joy, peace, and calm.  

Christine calls the flute an instrument of the soul — a tool for cathartic inner work, because it helps you tap into and process emotions that you might not even know you’re experiencing. 

Join her on Tuesday, June 20, in a heart-opening workshop, in which she’ll illustrate the potent healing impact of improvisational flute playing, and how you can incorporate it into your daily self-care practice to discover what areas of your body or your life need to be addressed.

>> You can register here to Harmonize Your Whole Being With the Native American-Style Flute: Discover Your 5 Energy Centers Using 5 Sacred Seed Sounds to Awaken Healing & Inner Attunement <<

Harmonize Your Whole Being with the Native American-Style Flute & Discover the Power of Music for Transformation

In this revitalizing musical event, you’ll:

  • Discover how to direct the music of the Native American-style flute to heal your spirit and soul — where you’re feeling unfulfilled, ungrounded, or where your tank is running low

  • Experience the ease of this improvisational style of the flute as it takes you into your heart center and radiates through your body as an instrument of healing, kindness, compassion, and self-love

  • Receive a sound healing from Christine that will help you feel into each of your five energy centers to find where you need the most upliftment

  • Be guided in a practice using your voice (or your flute if you have one!) to tone seed syllables from the Tibetan Warrior sound-healing tradition that correspond to the 5-note pentatonic scale of the Native American-style flute — a technique you can use daily to reduce your suffering and harmonize your whole being

  • Learn about a bonus note that’s held in the flute as a metaphor for accessing higher guidance and a higher octave of living

You’ll come to understand how the flute can help you release suffering and come into harmony with yourself and the world around you.

And, if you feel like you’ve lost touch with your true essence because you’re living in reaction to life — rather than in harmony with it — the flute can bring you back in touch with your creative spirit and soulful personal agency.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Harmonize Your Whole Being With the Native American-Style Flute: Discover Your 5 Energy Centers Using 5 Sacred Seed Sounds to Awaken Healing & Inner Attunement with Christine Stevens…

… you’ll experience the transformative power of the Native American-style flute to heighten your awareness and strengthen the areas of your body and your life that are in need of self-care — and begin your self-healing journey with music.

Read more: Harmonize Your Whole Being w/ Native American-Style Flute: Feel the Power of Music for Transformation


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