
Showing posts from June, 2023

Unlock Your True Potential w/ Gene Keys to Thrive in Challenging Times

Learn how to access and activate your internal navigation system with The Gene Key. Contained within the tumult of these times is an invitation to evoke and embody the highest expression of yourself — to  rise above the chaos and confusion  that is sweeping the planet. The Gene Keys , as sourced by Richard Rudd, is a powerful evolutionary system  that can  awaken you to your true nature as a divine creator . It’s an inspiring and practical guide for transforming the patterns of your life and accessing higher states of awareness and consciousness. Mark Bentley, a Gene Keys Ambassador and Human Design Guide , supports individuals in recognizing the powerful potential of  The Gene Keys  to help navigate not only global transitions, but personal ones as well — as they offer unprecedented levels of insight into  your  particular personal growth and development needs. Through your journey with  The Gene Keys , you can learn how t...

Join the Future of Healing! Feel the Power of Sound Healing Summit July 10-14

You'll discover how to support rapid healing with powerful sonic practices, c reate new neural pathways in the brain with sound healing, b oost mental acuity and creativity with sound medicine, how to u se vibrational medicine to decrease anxiety and s timulate brain activity… Did you know that sound healing is one of the most rapidly growing fields in transformational learning, and has been proclaimed by many as the future of healing? Leading-edge research on the science and theory of sound and vibration has demonstrated its impact on your physical, mental, and emotional bodies… … by identifying and measuring bio-markers such as  increased lymphatic circulation, increased production of melatonin and endorphins, creation of new neural pathways in the brain , and increased release of nitric oxide, a neurotransmitter fundamental to your health. During the online  Sound Healing Summit ,  you’ll encounter myriad vibrational techniques ...

Unlock the Secrets of Telepathic Communication w/ Your Animals (in 60 min) Event

Learn techniques for deepening your connection with your beloved companions. How many times have you wondered what your beloved animal companion is thinking? Imagine how wonderful it would be if you could decipher their thoughts and emotions — and anticipate their needs and desires. Even more remarkably, if they could understand yours. Meaningful two-way psychic communication  is  possible, according to  Joan Ranquet, a sought-after animal communicator  who has created a practical and healing process for bridging the human-animal communication gap… and harmonizing the energy of the home. On Tuesday, June 27, you’ll explore some of Joan’s tried-and-true animal communication techniques and discover how you can create a safe, reliable, and nurturing connection that deepens your bond, trust, and capacity to  help the animals in your life revitalize, find inner harmony, and remain healthy and happy . >> Join here to  Explore...

Reclaim Your Cosmic Destiny w/ Shamanic Roadmap for the Taripaypacha Golden Era

Align your life path with the Taripaypacha prophecy for more peace, joy & love. As our world continues to experience turmoil, even the most devoted spiritual seekers can find themselves  feeling profoundly disconnected  — from themselves, those around them, and Mother Earth. Do you long to know more about the driving force behind what’s happening in our world? And where  you  fit in the larger story? Thankfully, the timeless wisdom and practical universality of shamanism has always been with us, offering us the answers we’re seeking, says  don Oscar Miro-Quesada, a Peruvian maestro curandero . Don Oscar will share how you can energize and expand your life’s vision through deep immersion in  the cosmic pathway of Universal Shamanism  — with your unique evolutionary soul map as your guide.   >> You can register here to  Reclaim Your Cosmic Destiny With a Shamanic Roadmap: Align Your Life’s Pathwa...

Unlocking Conscious Relationships: Discover Your Position on Drama Triangle for Empowered Self-Love

Identify your sabotaging patterns to empower self-love and conscious relationships. Did you know that deepening your capacity to cultivate meaningful, healthy, and supportive relationships is a surefire way to catalyze your gifts as a healer? It's time to break free from the perpetual loop of control known as the Drama Triangle, and embark on a journey towards conscious relationships and empowered self-love. In this transformative blog post, you can join renowned medical intuitive, Rev. Tiffany Jean Barsotti, PhD, to be guided through the intricate dynamics of the Drama Triangle and see how it affects your relationships. Together, we'll explore the three archetypes of the Drama Triangle: the Rescuer, Victim, and Persecutor , and the modes of control and behavior they employ to manage fear and anxiety. Unveiling where you currently stand on the Drama Triangle is the first step towards breaking free from its grip. Tiffany will help you identify your sabotaging patterns and prov...

Experience Divine Freedom: Unveil Your True Essence & Release the Egoic Mind

Discover a process to relax the egoic mind & experience who you truly are... Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey towards a life of profound peace, boundless joy, and a deep connection to your true essence? Imagine every moment filled with the radiance of your divine nature, where the shackles of your egoic mind no longer hold you captive. In the upcoming event, "Experience a Taste of Divine Freedom: Unveil Your True Essence Through a Gentle Relaxation of the Egoic Mind," renowned mind-body healing expert Brandon Bays will be your guide. On Thursday, June 22, join us as we embark on a process of self-inquiry and liberation. >> You can register here to  Experience a Taste of Divine Freedom: Unveil Your True Essence Through a Gentle Relaxation of the Egoic Mind << During this extraordinary event, you will discover the keys to opening into the infinite awareness of your true essence. By letting go of "struggle consciousness," you will ef...

Unlocking Your Mystical Wisdom: Unveiling Secrets to Experience Ecstatic Wonder & Awe

A modern mystic is a person who is called to live, express, and fulfill the destiny of their Soul. ~ Aletheia Luna What exactly does it mean to be a modern mystic anyway? A modern mystic is one who actually  lives into the mystery  rather than just studying it… delving into the mysterious nature of “awakening” in a visceral way. Have you ever wondered about the potential of your own mystical path? Not just hearing about ancient, enlightened mystics who claimed to know God, but actually  plunging into the depths of your  own  capacity to experience sublime wonder and awe  — and oneness with the Divine? Learning to  develop your personal, direct bliss connection with Source  can be full of unexpected challenges as well as ecstatic joys — and undeniably rewarding for those who follow a fully committed spiritual path. Throughout history, people have traveled many different roads to open the connection and keep the i...

Harmonize Your Whole Being w/ Native American-Style Flute: Feel the Power of Music for Transformation

Discover Your 5 Energy Centers Using 5 Sacred Seed Sounds to Awaken Healing & Inner Attunement. Making music is your birthright as a human being. According to  Christine Stevens , one of the most accessible and fulfilling ways to express ourselves musically is with the  Native American-style flute , because it’s crafted in the five notes of the pentatonic scale… … and no matter how you combine them, it’s absolutely and even technically  impossible  to make a mistake. The Native American-style flute, especially played improvisationally, can be a potent ally for you on your personal path to transformation  — physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually — enabling you to become more grounded and achieve greater joy, peace, and calm.    Christine calls the flute  an instrument of the soul  —  a tool for cathartic inner work , because it helps you tap into and process emotions that you migh...

Unlocking Your Hidden Potential: Visit Ancestral Realm for True Healing & Wholeness

Discover how to release ancestral trauma patterns and repair the wounds of your lineage. Are you feeling the collective anxiety that’s being perpetuated in our culture by the cascade of crises in our world? According to  Jungian psychotherapist Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone , the challenges we’re facing as a global community are a direct reflection of unresolved trauma in our ancestral lineages.   The pain that accumulated in the generations before us is now coming due, and much of the stress that permeates our lives stems from  unhealed wounds that have been bequeathed to us from our family lines .   Our work is to go inward and  explore the issues of our ancestors, so we can stop the “trauma train”  in its tracks — and release patterns that keep us bound to small-mindedness and the material fixations that limit our true potential. Join Rabbi Tirzah on Tuesday, June 13 this live event, or access its recording later,  t...

Discover the Secrets for Healing Your Cells (Free live online event)

Discover how to orchestrate cellar wellbeing throughout your body. Did you know that your cells have a kind of  sentience , in that each of the 75 to 100 trillion cells of your physical body is imbued with choice and free will? According to  Dr. Shawn Marie Higgins, an osteopathic doctor and sound healer , your cells actually  choose  to work together to make your physical body the miraculous creature that it is. When all parts of your body collaborate in an optimal way, you walk through the world as a healthier and more vibrant being, with access to the highest level of intelligence… joy! Yet when they don’t… the body may fall out of balance, causing physical and emotional dis-ease. On Tuesday, June 6, join Dr. Higgins in a fascinating hour-long event, in which she’ll share her perspective on how the cells of the body are self-actualized, intelligent beings with the power to communicate through the  universal energy field . A powerful c...

Herbs for Holistic Cancer Care, Symptom Relief & Boosting Immune System

Explore the healing potential of herbal medicine in cancer prevention & treatment. Over the course of a lifetime, 40% of people in the West will be diagnosed with some form of cancer, according to the National Cancer Institute. Whether you choose a primarily Western allopathic approach  or  an alternative path for addressing cancer,  herbs can be potent allies for thriving after a cancer diagnosis . You have choices! Chanchal Cabrera, a medical herbalist and author of  Holistic Cancer Care ,  affirms that it’s important to explore all of your options and  empower yourself with extensive information  before you decide on a cancer treatment plan. With the right knowledge, guidance, and support, you can  take proactive steps to use herbs to support your immune system  and nurture an inner  and  outer environment that fosters healing and wellbeing — before, during, and after a diagnosis. Join Chanchal on Thursday, June ...