How Celtic Wisdom Can Guide You to Reclaim Your Sovereignty, Destiny & Authentic Self

Discover how to be in right standing with the earth, the heavens, and your own soul.

Do the lush, green lands of Ireland call to you with their healing energies of the ancestors… ancient Gods and Goddesses… and the Bards, Druids, and fairies of Celtic history and lore?

These energies, the stories of these lands, and the practices inspired by Celtic shamanism offer us a medicine to bring us back home… to our true Self.

They help us reach beyond the mundane and overwhelm of our stressful modern lives and be more attentive, present, and receptive to the beauty and wisdom of the land…

Shamanic teacher and healer Jane Burns will help you discover myth and ritual to evoke the ancient medicine of Celtic shamanism and open you to the wonder, wisdom, and wildness of both the natural world and your own inner landscape  during a FREE video event, The Gifts of Celtic Shamanism: Living from Gratitude, Courage, Generosity & Wonder.

>> Join us here to Evoke the ancient medicine of Celtic shamanism and return to your true self <<

Celtic Shamanism with Jane Burns - Transform Uncertainty Into Opportunity

During this profound hour, you’ll discover:

  • The Celtic way of seeing and being, and the importance of daily practices of gratitude, reciprocity, and self-protection

  • Key archetypes of Celtic shamanism — including the ban feasa (the knowing woman), the ban chaointe (the keening woman), the omen hunter, and the faery doctor — and their roles in guiding, wisdom-keeping, and healing

  • An experiential journey to the Otherworld with Brigid, the great Celtic Goddess and bringer of spring, new growth, and creative forces that will help you reshape your life

  • How Celtic wisdom can guide you to reclaim your sovereignty — your destiny and authentic Self, often lost in the overwhelm of everyday life

  • Shamanic principles and practices from the Celtic medicine wheel for grounding you in who you truly are

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to draw from the wisdom of Celtic shamanism to connect more deeply with the natural world and the healing archetypal energies of this numinous land.

You’ll discover tips for how to become a conduit for these healing energies, and how to transform what you learn into the knowledge your soul seeks…

>> RSVP for free here to Discover Ancient Wisdom of Celtic Shamanism & Medicine <<

During The Gifts of Celtic Shamanism: Living from Gratitude, Courage, Generosity & Wonder, you’ll see that the wisdom of Celtic shamanism guides us in seeing and honouring the sacred in all things… including ourselves.

Read more: How Celtic Wisdom Can Guide You to Reclaim Your Sovereignty, Destiny & Authentic Self


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