Ida Rolf’s Inspired Techniques for Healthy Movement

Establish new habits to improve your posture & release tension & pain.

If you could change anything about yourself or your life right now, what would it be?

The way you move your body may not be at the top of your list, but perhaps it should be.

In fact, as Lael Keen, instructor at the Dr. Ida Rolf Institute teaches, the changes that we seek within ourselves and our lives often have a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual component.

Learning how to move in a way that creates ease throughout all of those components is key to moving through life as your authentic self — free from held patterns of stress and tension, and aligned with the greater flow of possibility for your life.

With Lael, you’ll realign with the natural postures of your body and your inherent flow state to relieve pain and stress — and allow the life-giving essence within you to take precedence.

>> You can register here for Ida Rolf’s Inspired Techniques for Healthy Movement: Establish New Habits to Improve Your Posture & Release Tension & Pain <<

Healthy Movement Techniques Establish New Habits to Improve Your Posture & Release Tension & Pain

 In this interactive online event, you’ll:

  • Explore movement as a reflection of who you believe yourself to be, and how you relate to the world — and as a tool for positively changing your life 

  • Use bidirectional orienting to bring more ease and comfort into your body within a few minutes

  • Experience a guided practice to help your body find an upright posture that doesn’t require stress and tension — letting go of effortful postural patterns and finding an easy and natural upright posture

  • Learn the powerful role of pre-movement — and how it is determined by emotion and perception 

  • Discover how movement is like a wave that moves through the body — and how through your daily movement you create and recreate the body that you have

  • Experience a guided breathing meditation to experience breathing as an act of willingness — and discover the potential this holds for your health and life 

You’ll experience Lael’s dynamic approach to somatic movement first-hand, including a breathwork practice to experience breathing as an act of allowing, and practices to relieve the stress that is held within your head, neck, and shoulders — all of which brings awareness to counterproductive patterns of movement.

She’ll also share how movement is connected to self-image and how we relate to each other…

… and how conscious movement can foster a more meaningful, productive, and easeful way of being in the world.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Ida Rolf’s Inspired Techniques for Healthy Movement: Establish New Habits to Improve Your Posture & Release Tension & Pain with Lael Keen…

… you’ll explore how your daily physical movements express your deepest self through Rolf-inspired teachings and guided practices that create mind-body fluidity and bring awareness to held patterns of tension and stress — and your body’s ability to release them.

Read more: Ida Rolf’s Inspired Techniques for Healthy Movement


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