
Showing posts from January, 2023

Hive Christianity for Spiritual Illumination - New Vision Spiritual Practice

Experience a 5-step guided meditation practice to cultivate deep peace and greater awareness. As we navigate this time of enormous societal upheaval, it’s understandable to be anxious about the future, even if we’re on a spiritual path. While these are stressful and scary times to live through, what if this moment is actually a chapter in a much larger story that’s unfolding? According to  Rev. Dr. Hillary Raining , an Episcopal priest and seminary teacher, we’re in a  global spiritual upheaval that comes along every 500 years , when the way we understand ourselves and the world around us changes. During these periods of spiritual revolution, mystics and trailblazing wisdom schools respond to the moment, supporting and guiding seekers as they spiritually evolve. So how do we put our focus on that which is birthing in us and within the Christian tradition, so we can help propel this positive future? Explore the evolution we’re being called to...

See How Breathwork Can Enhance Wholeness, Integration, & Presence

Harness the full benefits of your breath as a vehicle for awareness and self-actualization. The first and last thing we do in life is inhale and exhale. Breath is the most critical physiological function, one of the most transformative forces in life, and one of the most powerful medicines on the planet. According to  Jessica Dibb, founder of the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance , and  Dr. Dan Siegel, Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA , breath is our “medicine in the moment.” It is right there, always — just waiting to be breathed by us. Yet, many of us are not consciously accessing this power. So how do we tap into this superpower already with us? On Saturday, February 4,  join Jessica and Dr. Siegel in a complimentary online event  where you’ll learn how to use conscious breathing to access deep awareness and insight stored within. >> You can register here for  The Unifying Function of Breath: Breathwork for Awake...

Embrace Selling as a Sacred Exercise & Uplevel Your Transformational Practice

Explore how to transcend the old sales model for your transformational services. Can your service truly help people heal, evolve, and transform? If so, you chose the right livelihood! Yet, even though you’re passionate about what you offer, do you feel frustrated because you’re not serving enough clients to make the impact and income you’ve envisioned?   It’s a common dilemma:  Your heart yearns to serve, but you struggle with selling. For many people, “sell” truly is a four-letter word. We’ve all experienced pushy and manipulative salespeople… which is NOT the experience you want for your potential clients. It’s uncomfortable, and it simply doesn’t work. Fortunately,  there  is  a way to effectively sell the remarkable benefits of your work  to clients who are receptive and eager to buy. And it can be done in a way that is not only an authentic extension of what you and your practice represent, i...

Ayurvedic Methods for Enhancing Your Immunity, Wellness & Longevity

Discover the life-changing benefits of the healthy Ayurvedic Life Cycleю Many people experience various levels of anxiety as the energies and virtues of their prime start to wane under the entropic forces that challenge each of us and bring about  visible  signs of aging… … not to mention the  invisible  signs of aches, pains, emotional wounds, and perhaps acute conditions. Conversely, others may swell with eager anticipation as the  gifts  of age finally begin to flower… greater wisdom, an enhanced appreciation for life, the ability to deeply self-reflect… as well as perhaps a chance to experience a bit of rest if you’ve arrived at the place where it’s time to slow things down. On Saturday, January 21,  Dr. John Douillard, DC, a recognized leader in Ayurveda and natural health , will share how science-based Ayurveda practices — some of them quite surprising — can   shift physical and emotiona...

Discover Energy Management Techniques for Advancing Your Intuitive Skills (Event)

Release the 6 main self-sabotaging behaviors that lead to energy depletion and illness. Have you been serving others with your intuition, but are finding that the more energy you devote to others, the less you have for yourself? It may be time to check in on your own health. Energy management is a necessary, even life-saving skill, for every healer. As  medical intuitive and psychic medium Tina Zion  has observed, diminished health states among medical intuitives and other healers is becoming increasingly common. Many of her colleagues have become ill and even lost their lives — partly due in some cases to giving too much of themselves to others and draining their own life force in the process. This is alarming for many reasons — the purest use of medical intuition is not about giving your own energy, but of becoming a healthy conduit for higher guidance and expertise that allows you to help others. If you’re feeling worn down as you try to help others or fo...

Reverse Karmic Ancestral Curses & Read Your Soul’s True Purpose in Akashic Records

Connect with your ancestors to heal your lineage & transform your life by Joining Ancestral Healing Summit, Jan 30 – Feb 3. What if you could resolve generational trauma by  transmuting painful patterns, thereby creating a greater sense of belonging and wholeness in your life?    And what if deeply  reconnecting to your own heritage  could help you make peace with yourself and your origins… experience closure with those who’ve crossed over… and free you to live more fully with all the gifts of your lineage?  Historically, people worldwide have cultivated sacred relationships with their ancestors, asking them for healing, protection, and guidance.  When you communicate with members of your lineage  who’ve passed, you can resource radiant energies within your bloodline, clearing your energy field  and  theirs of intergenerational trauma that affect the living and the dead. As you tune in to your loved one...

Learn Powerful Style of Qigong called Yi Quan for for Balance, Energy & Strength

Change old habits & relax far more deeply than ever before. There are untold mysteries in your body. And the wisdom, healing, and inspiration contained therein cannot be accessed until   you come to  understand and experience the true power of inner  and  outer balance . An effective way to tap into your spontaneous wisdom, release fixation on the past and future, trust the wisdom of your body, and transcend the limitations of the brain is through the readily accessible tools of Yi Quan (pronounced YEE-CHUEN). This unique practice consists of brief, easy-to-learn postures, exercises, and meditations that improve skills used in Tai Chi, Qigong, sports,  and  everyday life.   The truth is that  you don’t have to slow down as you age  — your strength and speed don’t have to diminish. You can tap into new reserves of power to change old dysfunctional habits and  relax far more deeply than ever before . On Saturday, Jan...

Get Personal Oracle & Synchronicity Guide to Decipher Signs, Symbols & Dreams

Uncover Practical Guidance & Solutions Through Your Dreams. If you’re like many of us, you might dismiss your dreams because they seem unpleasant or trivial.    Yet, did you know that  the gift of  dream divination  is actually available to everyone? In fact, you can master tools and resources to bring magic into your everyday life and uncover practical guidance and solutions for anything you’re facing. So says  Robert Moss , the creator of Active Dreaming, a powerful synthesis of dreamwork and shamanism. Whether your dreams are literal, symbolic, experiences of another reality, or a mix of all three — your  dreams are your personal oracle  that travel with you everywhere.  Tuning in to them to mine their wisdom and meaning can  help save your health, your career, and even your life . On Tuesday, January 10, with Robert, you’ll experience  two practices to   embody your dreams’ energy and guid...