Start Somatic Movement Journey - Enhance Your Physical Health & Help Others

Discover Synthesis of Feldenkrais® Seated Kinēsa™ Practice to Experience Hip & Pelvis Relief.

Somatic practitioners have long known that our most primal emotions often become trapped within us — and become stories connected to particular parts of the body.

Your body has an unlimited range of ways to tell its deeper stories — and when you learn to listen and move in new ways, you open a brand-new dialogue with your subconscious and your soul.

By building an awareness of how you move, you can navigate any emotional and physical challenges that you’re carrying from the past. Unaddressed, these areas of constriction and pain become obstacles that prevent you from living your best life, says body language expert and Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher® Lavinia Plonka.

Lavinia developed a powerful somatic movement approach that builds upon best practices in the field and her decades of teaching Feldenkrais to help you address any issue that limits your ability to live the healthy, pain-free, joyful, purpose-filled, and creative life that is your birthright.

Lavinia will guide you through an introduction to this life-changing work — and give you a taste of the benefits that are possible by guiding you through a seated Kinēsa movement practice that uses Attention to transform painful Sensations and Emotions into freedom, flexibility, and relief. 

>> You can register here for The Kinēsa™ Process — Move Into Your Freedom: Experience the Healing Power of a New Synthesis of Feldenkrais®-Inspired Somatic Movement, Ancient Wisdom & Modern Science <<

Somatic movement approach that builds upon best practices in the field and her decades of teaching Feldenkrais

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll explore:

  • Lavinia’s powerful movement lesson, “Unlocking the Story in Your Hip Joints”

  • How your hip joints are connected to your most primal emotions  and how releasing these emotions improves everything from your posture, to back pain, to your overall sense of wellbeing

  • The relationship between your breath and freedom of movement — and how your posture, breath, and face send instant messages to your nervous system, creating the sensations that become your emotions

  • How you can cultivate an increased sense of freedom and energy with gentle, focused movements

  • A seated Kinēsa practice to experience hip and pelvis relief — so you can release and liberate trapped emotions, freeing yourself to move through the world with elegance, grace, and power

During the event, you’ll also learn about an extraordinary opportunity to participate in The Shift Network’s Somatic Movement Teacher Training Certification program with Lavinia, where you’ll take a deep dive into the Kinēsa™ process. 

As Lavinia will explain, during this certification process you’ll learn and practice innumerable movement lessons combined with a multidisciplinary approach that includes modern neuroscience, ancient wisdom, and more. You’ll improve your emotional life, physical health, wellbeing, mental abilities, connect to something fundamental within yourself — AND help others do the same as a professional Kinēsa practitioner. 

>> You can reserve your spot for free here <<

In The Kinēsa™ Process — Move Into Your Freedom: Experience the Healing Power of a New Synthesis of Feldenkrais®-Inspired Somatic Movement, Ancient Wisdom & Modern Science with Lavinia Plonka…

… you’ll experience the promise of physical and emotional freedom with the Kinēsa process. Through liberating the trapped emotional habits you carry, you’ll begin a somatic journey to enhance your physical health, emotional life, mental acuity, and spiritual practice — and help others do the same.

Read more: Start Somatic Movement Journey - Enhance Your Physical Health & Help Others


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