Ancient Indian Yogic Meditation Techniques to Expand Consciousness

Enter a Gateway into an enlightened, embodied state of consciousness called Turiya.

During your meditation practice, have you ever caught a glimpse of a vast, infinite, and intelligent Void — just beyond apparent reality?

Did you sense that this infinitVoid is the source of all consciousness and energy? That it is, in fact, your true home?

Did you feel trepidation at the threshold — yet suspect that, if you were able to enter this expansive state, you may not want to return to this reality?

This is the Turiya state.

Spiritual teacher and beloved Shift faculty Raja Choudhury describes it as the Fourth State of Consciousness — beyond waking, dreaming, and deep sleep.

In many ways, this state is the primary goal for all yogic practices, leading to a nondual experience of life — in which we delight in all of life’s expressions as part of the divine play.

Join us for a new hour-long event on Saturday, September 10, as Raja immerses us in the Fourth State and shares three ancient Indian practices to help you begin to access and stabilize the Turiya state…

>> You can register here for Crossing the Threshold of the Enlightened Witness: 3 Ancient Indian Practices to Access Turiya & Observe Your Life With Balance, Clarity & Joy <<

Ancient Indian yogic meditation to enter a gateway into an enlightened, expanded state of consciousness

In this free online event, you’ll:

  • Receive a map of consciousness that gives you a clear overview of the 3 key stages of the journey into stabilizing in the Enlightened Witness

  • Learn how to specifically approach the chanting of a mantra to enter into Turiya, the fourth state of consciousness

  • Experience an advanced Tantric Yoga meditation technique that illuminates how everything around you can be a gateway into an enlightened, embodied state of consciousness

  • Discover a deeper understanding of the 3 levels of consciousness represented by Om, which helps you fully dissolve into the Enlightened Witness

  • Learn 3 ways to address your fears of the threshold or Void, which is represented by the fearsome Threshold Guardians in advanced spiritual traditions

  • Explore how to begin reimagining your life after returning from the Void

Raja affirms that you can reside in this Turiya state all the time, no matter where you are, or what you’re doing.

As he’ll explain, when you cross the threshold and enter the state of Turiya, you’ll find absolute stillness and complete awareness in a universe of perpetual change… 

This state of observation from the transcendental Void brings immense clarity, peace, joy — and pure and infinite bliss.

== >> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Crossing the Threshold of the Enlightened Witness: 3 Ancient Indian Practices to Access Turiya & Observe Your Life With Balance, Clarity & Joy with Raja Choudhury…

… you’ll be guided through 3 ancient Indian yogic meditation techniques to enter a gateway into an enlightened, embodied state of consciousness called Turiya — and experience clarity, bliss, and joy..

Read more: Ancient Indian Yogic Meditation Techniques to Expand Consciousness


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