How to Use Active Dreaming to Clear Past Wounds, Healing Younger Self

Journey to visit a previous version of yourself & offer wise counsel to your younger self.

Do you ever look back on your younger years and wish you’d done things differently? 

What if you could somehow provide the sage advice your younger self so desperately needed and deserved, based on the life experience you have now?

As a dreamer, you can move in and out of time and connect with your younger self, according to Robert Moss, creator of Active Dreaming, his powerful original synthesis of dreamwork and shamanism.

You can connect with your past selves — including people you may have been in this life, before you changed our world or it changed you — and bring back what supports life, while leaving aside what does not.

In the process, you can reclaim and reintegrate fragments of your soul that were previously left behind. 

On Saturday, August 6, with Robert, you’ll explore how you can navigate parallel universes and meet your alternate selves through the practice of conscious shamanic dreaming. 

>> Register here for Journey Across Time to Bring Healing to Your Younger Self: How to Use Active Dreaming to Clear Past Wounds & Reclaim Your Soul’s Calling <<

How to Use Active Dreaming to Clear Past Wounds, Healing Younger Self, Reclaim your Soul's calling

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll discover:

  • Robert’s guided practice where you’ll journey to visit a younger version of yourself — so you can bring their gifts and energy into your present life

  • The deep inner healing and transformation that’s possible as you travel through time in your dreams

  • Why you suffer soul loss — becoming separated from parts of your vital energy and identity  and how the practice of soul recovery helps you reclaim lost pieces of your soul so you can experience greater wholeness, energy, and passion for life

  • How to reclaim vital energy by bringing back parts of yourself that went missing because of pain, grief, or trauma in your earlier life

  • How skills like dream incubation and shamanic dreaming provide direct access to the realm of the ancestors who sometimes reach out to you in your dreams 

You can be the friend and protector your younger self needed, but didn’t have. As you’ll discover, tremendous healing can flow from this connection for both of you — healing for you in your present time, and for your younger self in their own time.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Journey Across Time to Bring Healing to Your Younger Self: How to Use Active Dreaming to Clear Past Wounds & Reclaim Your Soul’s Calling with Robert Moss…

… you’ll journey to visit a previous version of yourself — to offer wise counsel and encouragement to your younger self and bring back lost pieces of who you are — so you can experience deep inner healing and wholeness in your present-day life. 

Read more: How to Use Active Dreaming to Clear Past Wounds, Healing Younger Self


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