Feel Centered Even in the Midst of Personal & Global Chaos - Being Everyday Mystic

Your daily life is a portal for deeper aliveness and sacredness.

We’re living in the midst of environmental destruction, war, food shortages, financial insecurities, political dysfunction… and the list goes on.  

You may also be facing your own personal challenges that seem just as daunting — a sense of hopelessness, loss, or grief — and the unsettling realization that no one is coming to your rescue.  

Can the spiritual awareness you’ve so worked hard to attain keep you centered and grounded in the midst of personal and global chaos?

Interspiritual teacher and author Mirabai Starr, translator of the mystics, presents a refreshingly subversive and tenderly empowering perspective on what it means to be a mystic in today’s world 

On Saturday, September 3, she’ll reframe conventional ideas on mysticism, guiding you to surrender the outmoded belief of yourself as flawed or imperfect. She’ll show you how to use your daily life — the challenges, concerns, and uncertainties — as a portal for deeper aliveness and a more intimate connection with the sacred.  

>> Register here for Navigate Your Divine Meltdown: Become an Everyday Mystic by Embracing Your Brokenness & Awakening to Your Vibrant Human Holiness <<

Become an Everyday Mystic by Embracing Your Brokenness & Awakening to Your Vibrant Human Holiness

In this free transformational event, you’ll:

  • Participate in a powerful, deep dive into the blocks and obstacles you unintentionally use to minimize your true spiritual nature, and receive a ceremonial blessing from Mirabai, for the wholeness of your sacred self

  • Break down the misconceptions you hold about what’s wrong with you so you can be of service to yourself and the suffering world

  • Discover that everything about you is already sacred and holy

  • Learn that the great mystics of the past, across all spiritual traditions, embodied the sacred, not despite but rather as a result of their humanness 

  • Experience a sense of hope and relief, and reclaim your whole self

Mirabai dismisses the commonly accepted notion that enlightenment requires a lifetime of effort, and affirms that a direct experience of mystical connection is possible. 

She teaches that life is about fully embracing the human experience exactly as it is and precisely as you are, but with a new and deeper understanding.  

By the end of this hour, you may start to see yourself as an everyday mystic, fully embodying your humanity and your holiness

You’ll understand why your broken heart opens you to deeper love and intimacy with the Divine, becoming a threshold to sacred space.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Navigate Your Divine Meltdown: Become an Everyday Mystic by Embracing Your Brokenness & Awakening to Your Vibrant Human Holiness with Mirabai Starr… 

… you’ll release outdated misconceptions about the spiritual path and celebrate a deeper connection with your sacred self — so you can experience the magnificence of your life.

Read more: Feel Centered Even in the Midst of Personal & Global Chaos - Being Everyday Mystic


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