Experience a Standing Breathwork Exercise to Release & Unwind Tension

Harness the power of BioDynamic Breathwork to tap into your inner & outer resources.

When we’re navigating lingering traumas (even ones that may seem minor), it can be difficult to know where to turn for healing.

There’s a tendency to get focused on something outside of us to “fix” us.

The truth is, all the resources you’ll ever need for healing are within you and all around you, right this moment, according to Giten Tonkov, founder of the BioDynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release System®.

The practice of resourcing means calling into play anything or anyone that supports your wellbeing. Each time you take a deep breath to calm down, go for a walk to clear your mind, or hug a friend or partner when you’re sad — you’re resourcing.

And when you turn your attention to tapping into your inner resources, you access a virtually unlimited wellspring for healing.

On Thursday, July 28, Giten will share how to tap into these resources around you, to cultivate a more resilient nervous system so you won’t feel so overwhelmed by outer circumstances.

>> You can register here for Activate Your Inner Healing Resources With BioDynamic Breathwork <<

Learn natural breathing exercise supports conscious movement (connecting your physical body and emotions) — and helps you open up to receive more guidance, empowerment, and attunement in life

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll discover:

  • A standing breathwork exercise to help you softly unwind your spine, jaw, oral, and cervical belts — to release and unwind tension, becoming more aware of your felt sense so you can experience a deeper sense of activation within your body, and a greater sense of wellbeing 

  • The 6 elements of BioDynamic Breathwork — breath, movement, sound, touch, emotions, and meditation — that release the effects of past traumatic events in the body

  • How to tap into the resources within and around you, including your own felt sense — to connect more deeply to your inner safe space, because when you follow your own felt senses, difficult emotions lose their charge

  • How deeper natural breathing supports conscious movement (connecting your physical body and emotions) — and helps you open up to receive more guidance, empowerment, and attunement in life

Giten’s BioDynamic Breathwork system opens up your heart so you can experience intuitive healing where it’s needed most — to heal past trauma, connect with your authentic being, and experience joy and peace.

While breath is the main tool for healing on the somatic level, Giten also incorporates supporting elements like movement, touch, sound, conscious emotional expression, and meditation.

Join us to discover how to utilize your resources intentionally, moving one step closer to a trauma-free life.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Activate Your Inner Healing Resources With BioDynamic Breathwork with Giten Tonkov…

… you’ll harness the power of BioDynamic Breathwork to tap into your own inner and outer resources  — to cultivate a sense of safety, a profound sense of wellbeing, and deep inner peace.

Read more: Experience a Standing Breathwork Exercise to Release & Unwind Tension


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