Embody the Power of the Feminine Through Sacred Sufi Dance

Receive guidance for living with authenticity, passion & peace in your own body.

At a time when our very survival relies on our determination to care for ourselves, each other, and our planet, sacred dance offers a path to awaken the feminine energies that are needed to usher in a new vision of the sacredness and unity of all life.

Banafsheh Sayyad, an acclaimed teacher of embodiment, affirms that sacred dance anoints us into unlimitedness and oneness with All That Is…

… unifying our innate holiness and sensuality, as well as our masculine and feminine energies, to help us become whole and live life as our sacred selves.

Through the Sama, the sacred whirling dance of Sufis, we remember our true identity by experiencing the quantum field of love

… and receiving divine sustenance for our minds, bodies, hearts, and souls — just as Gaia supports and sustains us.

On Tuesday, July 12, Banafsheh will take you even deeper into the catalyzing connection of sacred dance and the Sacred Feminine when you join her for a powerful online event, which includes a guided sacred dance demonstration to connect with and receive a timely transmission from a Sacred Feminine archetype.

>> Register here for Embody the Power of the Feminine Through Sacred Sufi Dance: Live With Authenticity, Passion & Peace in Your Own Body <<

Embody the Power of the Feminine Through Sacred Sufi Dance: Live With Authenticity, Passion & Peace in Your Own Body

During this sacred online event, you’ll:

  • Explore how the Sacred Feminine is revealing herself in your body and your life — and how these energies work with your chakras 

  • Be introduced to the path of living love — and why honoring your body is key to revitalizing your life force, attuning to your higher purpose, and igniting inspiration, passion, joy, and healing within you

  • Learn how sacred dance anoints us into limitlessness — and oneness with All That Is

  • Learn how the modern notion of the quantum field mirrors how the ancients understood the Sacred Feminine

  • Experience a guided sacred dance demonstration to connect with and receive a transmission from a Sacred Feminine archetype that is relevant to your life, to the world — and to where we are in this liminal moment in time

You’ll explore how the Sacred Feminine is revealing herself in your body and your life, and how these powerful feminine energies work with your chakras to revitalize your life force, attune you to your higher purpose…

… and ignite inspiration, passion, joy, and healing within you, ultimately guiding you to live a life of embodied love.

>> You can RSVP for free here for Live event, get recording

& check out training course <<

In Embody the Power of the Feminine Through Sacred Sufi Dance: Live With Authenticity, Passion & Peace in Your Own Body with Banafsheh Sayyad… 

… you’ll explore the connection between sacred dance and the Sacred Feminine — and experience a guided sacred dance demonstration to connect with and receive a transmission from a Sacred Feminine archetype that is relevant to your life and to the world — and to where we are in this liminal moment in time.

Read more: Embody the Power of the Feminine Through Sacred Sufi Dance


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