Discover how to Open to the Inner Guidance of Your Team of Unseen Helpers

Witness in real time as a Soul Painter creates a painting that inspires hope and healing.

Many of us have a troublesome inner voice, an inner-doubter that holds us captive and prevents us from trying new things… primarily in an effort to protect us from failing or looking foolish. 

Your soul, however, wants you to know that it doesn’t care what anyone thinks. It simply wants to express itself. And, when you allow yourself to express freely, you open yourself to the possibility of profound joy.

Lovitude master Soul Painter Anne Pryor and after-death-communication speaker Risë Severson Kasmirski have teamed up to help individuals connect with their creative essence and honour their soul’s authentic calling.

Their core message is clear: When you’re guided by Spirit, in any kind of creative endeavour, you’ll be infinitely supported.

When you join them on Saturday, April 2, you’ll have an opportunity to watch as Anne creates a Lovitude Soul Painting, in real time, in her distinctly, innovative style. Anne will channel the energies of Spirit and those who join the call to create a one-of-a-kind work of art that embodies both unique healing energies and insightful messages. 

>> Join free here to see if Soul Painting Could Connect You With a Beloved on the Other Side? Find Joy, Freedom & Fulfillment Accessing Your Soul’s Truest Expression <<

Could Soul Painting Connect You With a Beloved on the Other Side? Find Joy, Freedom & Fulfillment Accessing Your Soul’s Truest Expression

In this evocative free online event, you’ll:

  • Witness a joyous and moving demonstration of a Lovitude Soul Painting created by channelling the energies of Spirit and those who are watching

  • Discover ways to access the guidance of unseen helpers (spirit guides or departed loved ones) through an experiential guided meditation — to   connect you to your soul’s longing to create (in any form) and open new possibilities for your life

  • Learn how sharing your unique gifts with the world serves others in many ways — as information they may need to grow or heal, or as inspiration to say Yes! to new opportunities

  • Explore the 5 A’s Methodology — Asking, Allowing, Accepting, Appreciating, and Acting  

  • Learn how to recognize messages from unseen allies… and why it’s so important to follow their guidance verbatim to receive the surprising gift you’re being invited to bring forth into the world

Following messages from unseen allies exactly as you receive them will help you transcend your ego and limiting beliefs — and connect with your spiritual support team so you can express your soul’s authentic voice no matter what the medium.

When you do what makes your soul sing with joy, life transforms — and opportunities open up that you never could have imagined. Your life expands because joy serves not only you, but the entire world 

>> You can RSVP for free here to watch live (get recording later) <<

In Could Soul Painting Connect You With a Beloved on the Other Side? Find Joy, Freedom & Fulfillment Accessing Your Soul’s Truest Expression with Lovitude master Soul Painter Anne Pryor and after-death-communication speaker Risë Severson Kasmirski

… you’ll witness in real time as a master Soul Painter connects with the spirit world and the energy of the audience to create a painting that delivers unique messages of healing, hope, and love for those watching.

Read more: Discover how to Open to the Inner Guidance of Your Team of Unseen Helpers


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