5 Stages of Healing to Reclaim Trust, Confidence & Happiness After Betrayal

Discover how betrayal may be negatively impacting your health, even years later.

Have you healed or have you been hardened by life? Sometimes, it’s difficult to tell.

Especially when faced with a betrayal that drags you deep into survival mode — and feeling as if a tough and resolute exterior is the only thing that’s holding you together. 

True, nothing else can touch you then. But read that again: Nothing can touch you. Not even the goodness, the joy, the healing, or the light that is trying to break through the pain… inspiring you to finally have a long-deserved breakthrough.   

There are stages we all go through as we experience the shattering effects of betrayal, just as there are stages of grief. Unlike grief, however, we don’t always know that we’re stuck in the aftermath of betrayal… 

… or that with the right guidancewe can move through this painful process and actually allow ourselves to be positively transformed by it.

On Thursday, March 31, with Dr. Debi Silber, holistic psychologist and founder of the Post Betrayal Transformation Institute, you’ll discover the 5 Stages of Betrayal to Breakthrough — and how they can be leveraged to catalyze self-healing, transformation, and a new way forward… from breakdown to breakthrough.

>> Join here for From Betrayal to Breakthrough: Reclaiming Trust, Confidence & Happiness Through 5 Stages of Healing <<

Dr. Debi Silber, holistic psychologist and founder of the Post Betrayal Transformation Institute - 5 Stages of Betrayal to Breakthrough

In this illuminating online event, you’ll discover:

  • The 5 Stages of Betrayal to Breakthrough — and how they can be leveraged to catalyze self-healing and transformation

  • The symptoms of Post-Betrayal Syndrome and how they may be negatively impacting your health — even if the betrayal happened decades ago

  • The point at which betrayal begins to shift toward Post-Betrayal Transformation

  • How even micro-betrayals can keep you stranded in unhealthy mental and emotional patterns

  • When it is and isn’t in your best interest to attempt to heal through interacting with the person who betrayed you

Whether macro- or micro-betrayals, all betrayals pose the challenge of reinforcing unhealthy emotional and mental patterns that keep you stranded in fear, limiting your sense of self and what’s possible for your life.

Join Dr. Debi for this eye-opening event on how to recognize the stage of betrayal that you are in — so you can begin your Post-Betrayal Transformation now.

>> You can RSVP for free here to watch live (get recording later) <<

In From Betrayal to Breakthrough: Reclaiming Trust, Confidence & Happiness Through 5 Stages of Healing with Dr. Debi Silber 

… you’ll begin your post-betrayal transformation now by understanding where you are in the 5 Stages of Betrayal to Breakthrough, how betrayal may be negatively impacting your health — and how this newfound awareness can heal you and inspire a new way forward.

Read more: 5 Stages of Healing to Reclaim Trust, Confidence & Happiness After Betrayal


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