
Showing posts from March, 2022

Mind-calming & Heart-expanding Benefits of a Daily Chanting Practice

Find confidence, calm & inspiration inside a daily practice of kirtan & mantra. Do you find it easy to lose yourself in meaningless distractions, when what you really long for is adding greater meaning to your life? Beloved seeker and chantress Nina Rao  believes that we’re all longing for sanctuary, a place of refuge. This place, she says, lives within each of us, and we can access it through the  daily discipline of a devotional chanting practice . Just knowing that this sanctuary exists can  soften anxiety  and clear a more open path as you walk through life. And, when you enter this practice intentionally — day after day —  the transformations become that much greater . The confidence and calm you find  are  the sanctuary, and become yours to carry through the day. The divine influence of this sacred place permeates your being. You trust that you will continue saying yes to life no matter what it delivers to your door. On...

5 Stages of Healing to Reclaim Trust, Confidence & Happiness After Betrayal

Discover how betrayal may be negatively impacting your health, even years later. Have you healed or have you been hardened by life? Sometimes, it’s difficult to tell. Especially when faced with a betrayal that drags you deep into survival mode — and feeling as if a tough and resolute exterior is the only thing that’s holding you together.   True, nothing else can touch you then. But read that again:  Nothing can touch you . Not even the goodness, the joy, the healing, or the light that is trying to break through the pain…  inspiring you to finally have a long-deserved breakthrough .    There are stages we all go through as we experience the shattering effects of betrayal, just as there are stages of grief. Unlike grief, however, we don’t always know that we’re stuck in the aftermath of betrayal…  …  or that with the right guidance ,  we can move through this painful process  and actually a...

Here's How to Help Others Heal by Awakening Your Innate Medical Intuition

Connect with your innate medical intuition to help others lead more fulfilling lives. What if you could have a powerful influence on the wellbeing of your loved ones… or anyone facing a health issue? How would you feel if you could love and serve others by tuning in to what’s ailing them — physically or emotionally — and then actively participate in helping them heal? Though you may not realize it, you  already  have this ability.  The skill of medical intuition is within you, right now. According to  Tina Zion , medical intuitive and psychic medium,  medical intuition is part of everyone’s innate intuitive sense …   On Saturday, March 26, Tina will guide you through a meditation that can help you  awaken your medical intuitive skills  and receive continued guidance as you learn to help others heal…   >> Join free here for  Answer the Call to Be a Medical Intuitive for Others <...

Join Guided Energy Medicine Exercise to tap into Your Miracle Body & "God Spot"

What if you could repeat healing miracles on demand? Preeminent intuitive healer Cyndi Dale believes that a miracle occurs when something you innately  know  is supposed to  be , actually manifests in your life.  It’s a clearing away of whatever’s preventing you  from being able to see — and create — whatever is for your highest good and that of others.   Cyndi notes that everything we need can be found on  the Divine Pathway, one of the four levels of reality where you exist  all the time … … and on which you can  most easily explore and embody your divine self , your truest self, the self that can connect with Oneness – and instinctively knows your innate value and that you are loved. The Divine Pathway is known through a feeling, through awareness. It’s the sense of heaven on earth. It’s a profound experience of being in the presence of love. It’s a space that provides the g...

Combined Spiritual Practices to Stimulate & Regulate Your Brain & Nervous System

Start seeding the world with hope and goodness by reconnecting to your sacred purpose. What can ancient wisdom traditions teach us today about how to live a sacred life and embody the radiant being you inherently are?  More often than not, it’s the mental, emotional, and physical wounds of the past that land as debris along the journey of becoming… These wounds block you from achieving your goals, optimal wellbeing, and the harmonious relationships you seek — and diminish the glow of your light-filled self.   On Sunday, March 20, with  beloved psychotherapist Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone , you’ll discover how  the enlightened teachings and sacred technologies of Judaism and Buddhism  can serve to help you transmute the challenges of today into the solutions of tomorrow…  …  and  illuminate your path to becoming an agent of blessing in the world.  >> Register here for  Applying Radical Presence t...

Rekindle Your Vital Energy with Vinyasa Yoga to Cultivate Balance in Changing Times

Discover how to embody the totality of vinyasa yoga as meditation-in-motion. According to  Shiva Rea , one of the world’s leading vinyasa yoga teachers and founder of the Samudra Global School for Living Yoga, it’s our “inner fire”  that guides us to transform and create a positive impact in the world . Yet, many of us have forgotten to tend this creative energy within us.  Vinyasa yoga is widely viewed as a physical workout and a way to strengthen the body. “Living Vinyasa” is  a soulful practice that connects your life force to nature, a meditation-in-motion , and a way to activate soulful connection, so you can contribute to positive global changes for the benefit of all. On Thursday, March 17,  Shiva will share practices of to help cultivate more vibrant energy in your life and harmonize your body with the sun and the moon. Putting these principles into practice can help you discover hidden reserves of energy — and ...

Attain a Higher Perspective of Life & More Profound Understanding of Yourself

Discover how to access your soul’s unique healing story and activate embodied wisdom. These days, even seasoned spiritual seekers are longing for a new way to feel more grounded and improve their understanding of their own inherent divinity. Shamanic astrology may hold the answers you’re looking for.  This revolutionary approach combines two ancient wisdom systems by using shamanic journeying to access astrological energies. As shamanic astrologer  Terry Morgan  teaches, shamanic journeying can open up receptors to Spirit through  direct revelation . This means that  you can become your own astrologer  — by exploring your astrological energies, experiencing them deeply, and integrating their wisdom into your daily life. Through the lens of your astrological blueprint, you can deepen your awareness of your essential self and  experience the direct revelations of shamanic sages and astrologers throughout history . Terry will share how ...

Join Event w/ 30 Top Qigong Teachers - Boost Longevity, Vitality, Emotional Balance

Activate Your Limitless Qi - Life-force Energy, increase longevity, emotional equanimity, and spiritual serenity using simple energy practices. Need an energy boost? Here’s a secret that Qigong practitioners have known for centuries: When your bio-batteries run low, you can recharge by moving and channeling Qi, the life force vibrating through the universe.  Using a combination of gentle movement, breathwork, and meditation, you can cultivate QI to  tonify your organs, shore up your immune system, increase vitality, and integrate difficult emotions . The free online  Qigong Global Summit   is an opportunity to energize your Qigong practice under the guidance of masters and pioneers from around the world.  They  will guide you through Qigong techniques that  harmonize anger, depression, and frustration … promote  longevity for pandemic times …   strengthen your physical and emotional body … and use your  breath as medicine ...

Combine Energy Medicine Practices & Sound Healing to Enhance Wellbeing

Experience 3 easy energy medicine exercises to restore you in mind, body, and spirit. In times of stress or upheaval, is it difficult for you to find a soft place to land? To tap into any sense of peace and relief as you navigate anxiety-provoking circumstances? Many of us are working so hard to  maintain , that all our energy is spent on just getting through the day.  We’re locked into survival mode, our nervous system overtaxed, with no way to nourish or replenish ourselves, or consider how we might actually  thrive .    According to  Dr. Melanie Smith , Doctor of Oriental Medicine and Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner,  you can rewrite the imprinted patterns that trauma and stress leave on your nervous system  — to reclaim your health and take back your personal power. It all starts with a deeper understanding of  the vagus nerve  — which transmits sensory signals from the brain to the gut, liver, heart, an...

Learn 43 things You NEVER knew about Medicinal Mushrooms & Psychedelics + Free eBooks

Learn about medicinal mushrooms & psychedelics from expert talks & eBooks This week, enjoy learning from these  must see expert talks about medicinal mushrooms and psychedelics  from Dr. Terry Wahls, G. William Barnard, Jhaimy Alvarez-Acosta, Dr. Hyla Cass, Louie Schwartzberg and Dr. Maya Shetreat (topics below)! Dr. Maya Shetreat has put some amazing work into  The New Science of Ancient Medicines: Heal Trauma & Build Resilience , which starts this Monday with 43 experts and luminaries in the field of mushrooms, psychedelics and chronic illness –>  Join us when you register now! Tens of thousands will learn from the expert wisdom so important to understanding the transformative power mushrooms and psychedelics can have on your mental and physical health! You should be there. Here’s why. At The New Science of Ancient Medicines you’ll learn how scientific research is showing that mushrooms and psychedelics can help reverse difficult-...

Discover the Connection Between How You Breathe & Your Quality of Life

Learn how to clear resistance to what you desire by breathing into your energy centers. How often have you tried to get something new going in your life only to be met with an array of new obstacles? What if these perpetual roadblocks weren’t really about disruptive outside forces at all, but rather  the relationship that you have with the flow of your own life force ? On Thursday, March 10, with  Dr. Judith Kravitz, founder of the Transformational Breath Foundation, you’ll discover how the way that you breathe reflects the life that you’re living … and learn easy and effective tools for aligning your breath with a more fulfilled, healthy, and abundant life.   Judith’s breathwork techniques combine  metaphysics, breath analysis, sound healing, body mapping, and other healing and spiritual principles  for an integrated blueprint of healing and wholeness. The foundation of her teachings is built on the idea that wealth — in all...

HEALTHY HEART: 4 Major Heart Disease Myths & 10 Recent Breakthroughs - You Must Know!

If you want to discover the ten most recent scientific breakthroughs in heart health, then don’t miss this week’s mind-blowing Masterclass. Whether you want to end the confusion about which type of fats can reduce your risk of heart disease (and which cause inflammation and high cholesterol)… Or to discover the seemingly random link between the amount of time you brush your teeth and decreasing your odds of heart disease by a whopping 30%… This Masterclass will open your eyes to the  10 latest scientific discoveries that could save your life  and give you more energy today. You’ll learn how to separate fads from facts and discover proven, all-natural ways to lower your risk of disease —  without medication or invasive surgeries. Most importantly, you’ll  learn how to think differently  so you can make small shifts that could add decades of healthy years to your life. The Healthy Heart Masterclass will open your eyes and...

4 Longevity Factors that People 100 Years+ Share for Long & Radiant Living

Experience a guided process to live longer by changing your perception about aging. It may surprise you to know that  people who live to be 100 (and beyond!) have   four factors in common  that have nothing to do with their genetic makeup, family history, lifestyle choices, diet, environment, or socioeconomic status. In fact, according to  clinical neuropsychologist Dr. Mario Martinez , your genes have only a 20 percent impact on your health and longevity. The rest is attributed to what you hold in  your consciousness — how you view yourself and the experience of aging . What would it take for  you  to not only  live  past 100… but to  thrive  past 100, with good health, mental acuity, vibrant relationships, and joyful vitality?  On Tuesday, March 8 (replay on Saturday), Mario will share  how your biological age can actually be reversed and your longevity dramatically extended…  not  by changin...

The Way to Stop Pain, Stress, Depression Using Music Sound Vibration as Medicine

Discover how musical instruments can be used to promote full-body healing. Scientific evidence has revealed that music and key sound frequencies have the power to support our bodies to heal naturally at a very deep level. When applied correctly, these vibrations gently massage the body’s cells and have an almost magical capacity to heal emotional and physical traumas held in the body .   Health challenges, such as chronic pain, chronic inflammation, high blood pressure, and poor immune system efficiency can all be alleviated without the need for prescription drugs, affirms  acoustics scientist John Stuart Reid .   Prescription medications had failed to diminish his debilitating back pain, he eliminated the pain permanently by immersing himself in low-frequency sound for just 20 minutes while inside the Great Pyramid of Giza. On Saturday, March 5, John’s thorough explanation of the  biological mechanisms  that underpin sound’s ability to ...