Use of Vedic Sutras to Clear Energy Blocks & Reveal Your Divine Gifts

Unlock the Secrets of the Sutras With NYT Bestselling Author Deborah King.

Are you ready to transform and release stories that no longer serve you — and access your intuitive and psychic abilities like never before?

Simple, yet powerful sutra practices can help

These mystical scriptures carry potent spiritual vibrations and divine frequencies that can lift you to your next level of healing and transformation.

One teacher who can distill this knowledge for you is leading Energy Medicine teacher and bestselling author Deborah King — renowned for her ability to make ancient teachings more accessible to modern seekers.

Deborah will show you how to receive the wisdom and healing power of the sutras so you can clear blocked energy, emotions, and limiting beliefs — and reveal your highest gifts — during a FREE video event.

>> Reserve your space here to Unlock the Secrets of the Sutras: Vedic Wisdom to Clear Energy Blocks & Access Your Divine Gifts <<

Deborah King will show you how to use the Vedic sutras to heal your deepest pain and allow your highest gifts to fully blossom

You’ll discover:

  • How the Vedic Sutras can help clear energy blocks and dissolve painful emotions and experiences stored within you and your personal energy field

  • Why the sutras in particular are so powerful in working with energy blocks and opening to our deeper gifts

  • An experiential journey to visit an Ascended Master, St. Germain, at the Temple of the Violet Flame

  • Key insights from Deborah’s personal journey from an abusive childhood and an addiction to drugs and alcohol — to a New York Times bestselling author and renowned teacher

  • Wisdom from the healers, sages, and shamans around the globe Deborah has studied with — on her path of seeking to master ancient and modern techniques

The Vedic sutras, seen as revelations by Indian theologians, were received by ancient sages after intense meditations, preserved and passed on for thousands of years.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover how this combination of wisdom and potent practices can help YOU clear energy blocks in your mind-body and transform your entire energy field!

>> Register for this FREE event here <<

During Unlock the Secrets of the Sutras: Vedic Wisdom to Clear Energy Blocks & Access Your Divine Gifts, Deborah King will show you how to use the Vedic sutras to heal your deepest pain and allow your highest gifts to fully blossom.

Read more: Use of Vedic Sutras to Clear Energy Blocks & Reveal Your Divine Gifts


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