
Showing posts from January, 2022

Guided Meditation to Discover the Psychic Mind-Virus - Wetiko, within You

Discover why transmuting the psychic mind-virus can ignite your creative powers. World circumstances are inviting us to undergo an inner alchemical transformation. We are collectively making a shamanic descent into the darkness of the unconscious, believes  spiritual emergence pioneer Paul Levy , and undergoing an archetypal death and rebirth experience. Yet, the collective madness that appears to have overtaken our world can potentially help us see that there is something within us preventing our full evolutionary potential… something that can also potentially catalyze us to awaken to the dreamlike nature of reality and remember the essence of who we are . Early Native Americans called this catalyst  wetiko , and it’s a concept recognized in all spiritual traditions — a psychospiritual disease of the soul — a  mind-virus  or mental blindness that works through the blind spots of the unconscious.  It is what feeds our shadow sides, those...

Guided Practice to Tap Into the Raw Power of Your Sovereign Voice

Discover how sound can transmute painful experiences into powerful awakenings. Sound can transmute painful experiences into powerful awakenings. In the sacred healing space where sound meets  silence  (yes, silence!), you can open a door to the medicine of your soul.  Learning how to use the complementary forces of sound and silence liberates what  pioneering voice teacher Chloë Goodchild  calls your  inner music  — the wisdom of your soul that lies at the ground of your being, waiting to be unleashed, eager to transform difficult emotions into positive feelings. When Chloë shows you how to unabashedly sing with your unique voice —  and then listen to what happens when the sound stops , you discover that  silence isn’t the absence of something . Rather, it’s the missing ingredient in a troubled world. It’s the invisible, all-imbuing force that unifies and connects, enlivening our communication. The alc...

Join Guided Energy Practice to Take You from Binary Thinking to Expanded Consciousness

Get  Energy medicine tools to transcend “binary thinking” and expand your consciousness. During your lifetime, has there ever been a period of greater polarity than what we’re facing in today’s world?   Energy medicine expert  Ellen Meredith , a medical intuitive and author, teaches that to skillfully navigate change at this crucial time in our evolution, it’s important to learn how to  fully activate the  internal  guidance systems that are already built into your body-mind-spirit … … and to connect with all the voices of your soul   so you can  see a deeper truth from a broader perspective, and find your own  True North .   Ellen believes that we can all  break through the obstruction of polarizing, or what she calls “binary thinking,” with energy medicine tools that help us cultivate a more  spherical  consciousness …  … so we can awaken and thrive ...

Activate your Breath to Fully Integrate Your Psyche, Soul, and Physical Self

Experience the art & science of breathwork to shift your physiology, transform trauma & build resilience. One of the great gifts of breath is that whenever your mind veers off track, conscious breathing can gently return you to stillness and serenity. That’s because the breaths you’re taking right now are connected to your nervous system, your immune health, and your ability to live your life to the fullest. They’re the gatekeeper to your mental and emotional states, the release valve for your traumatic experiences, and your portal to a higher state of being. The body is fluent in breath; it’s the language of metabolizing intensity and change to override negative or limiting mental programs.  Explore this vocabulary with practice and intention and you can learn to self-regulate your mental and emotional states regardless of external circumstances.  Through breath, you can access inner awareness quickly, transcend limitations in consciousness, a...

Discover a Portal into Your Identity, Spiritual Awareness & Oneness Consciousness

Experience a profound meditation to perceive your true relationship to consciousness. You’re no stranger to the spiritual path… Yet, despite your commitment to expanding your awareness, you may be experiencing a disconnect from your inner life, maybe even an underlying discomfort with how you’re connecting with others or with life in general. You yearn for  greater ease, resiliency, and possibilities … for a fulfilling, flourishing life  and  for a deeper integration of your spiritual experiences — goals that may have always felt just beyond your reach. On Thursday, January 27, with  author and consciousness explorer Anoop Kumar , MD, you’ll discover a fascinating portal into your identity, spiritual awareness, and Oneness Consciousness through the  Three Minds  — an enlightening approach to perceiving the imagined boundaries within and around you that can  profoundly   illuminate how you experience consc...

Join Us in Guided inner Journey, meet a Helping Ally, & Explore an Unsettling Dream

Experience Lucid Dreamplay to transcend fear & consciously create your reality. Our nighttime dreams — whether   sweet  or  scary — come to empower, transform, and heal us. They’re spiritual gifts from our unconscious, and when we take the time to unwrap them by practicing dreamwork, we receive precious messages from our soul… … messages that can help us  transcend our worst fears, live our lives with fullness and joy , and become more balanced, whole human beings, capable of self-healing and contributing purposefully to the collective wellbeing of humanity.   Even our unpleasant dreams — those that make us feel unsettled or anxious — as well as the curious images that flash before our eyes when we’re drifting off to sleep,  contain the gold of greater self-awareness   and  the remedy for liberation from the uneasiness or fear they may instill. When you open to this dream medicine, you discover ...

Experience a Cell Activation & Guided Visualization into a Human Cell

Explore the wisdom of your cellular memory for deeper intuition & self-healing. The trillions of cells in our bodies know everything about our magnificence, according to  Marie Manuchehri, a clairvoyant energy medicine healer and registered nurse . They hold what she calls  cellular memory , and when we learn how to work with our cellular memory to align with our psychic abilities, we can empower and embolden our higher, most authentic self in ways we never thought possible… We can boost our capacity for self-healing, manifesting abundance, achieving our soul’s desires, connecting with allies on the Otherside, and for living a fuller, happier life. On Thursday, January 20, in a fascinating hour with Marie, you’ll  learn how your cells can provide you with psychic information you’ve accumulated throughout your lifetimes , help connect you with allies from other realms, and help you live your life at a higher vibration… … which, in t...

Experience a Powerful Multisensory Journey into Your Cellular Memory

Discover how you can boost your energetic vibration and psychic abilities. The trillions of cells in our bodies know everything about our magnificence, according to  Marie Manuchehri, a clairvoyant energy medicine healer and registered nurse . They hold what she calls  cellular memory , and when we learn how to work with our cellular memory to align with our psychic abilities, we can empower and embolden our higher, most authentic self in ways we never thought possible… We can boost our capacity for self-healing, manifesting abundance, achieving our soul’s desires, connecting with allies on the Otherside, and for living a fuller, happier life. On Thursday, January 20, in a fascinating hour with Marie, you’ll  learn how your cells can provide you with psychic information you’ve accumulated throughout your lifetimes , help connect you with allies from other realms, and help you live your life at a higher vibration… … which, in turn, attr...

How Christianity’s 4-Path Journey can Awaken You to a Deeper Reality

Discover the mystical map to transformation hidden in Christianity’s 4 gospels. Are you feeling more hopeful these days?  Or, perhaps you’re in need of hope…  If you’re a seasoned seeker, you know that  beyond hope there is something deeper … a way of  being  that helps us better navigate life’s difficulties —  and  welcome its joys. Even experiencing incredible moments of awakening may not prevent us from slipping back into old patterns — if we don’t know how to embody their powerful transformative energies and weave their gifts into our lives. To get to that sweet spot beyond hope, we need to learn to trust — our journey, life circumstances, ourselves, and that we will come to see the light in the darkness even in our most difficult moments. A uthor and renowned thought leader Alexander John Shaia , PhD, will share the universal 4-path journey — recognized by every major spiritual tra...

Guided Meditation to Glimpse the Beauty of Christianity’s 4-Path Journey

Discover the mystical map to transformation hidden in Christianity’s 4 gospels. Are you feeling more hopeful these days?  Or, perhaps you’re in need of hope…  If you’re a seasoned seeker, you know that  beyond hope there is something deeper … a way of  being  that helps us better navigate life’s difficulties —  and  welcome its joys. Even experiencing incredible moments of awakening may not prevent us from slipping back into old patterns — if we don’t know how to embody their powerful transformative energies and weave their gifts into our lives. To get to that sweet spot beyond hope, we need to learn to trust — our journey, life circumstances, ourselves, and that we will come to see the light in the darkness even in our most difficult moments. A uthor and renowned thought leader Alexander John Shaia , PhD, will share the universal 4-path journey — recognized by every major spiritual tra...

5 Ancient Techniques to Open Your Third Eye & Discover Immense Inner Light

Discover immense inner light and unceasing guidance from your higher consciousness. Imagine being able to  access the source of all creativity, intuition, peace, bliss, and light  by simply utilizing the abilities you were born with — no matter what else is happening in your life or in our unpredictable world. For thousands of years, mystics, shamans, seers, and prophets from ancient Egypt to India  used the power of the Third Eye to experience a deepened sense of interconnection and  higher consciousness … … a state of elevated awareness and perception in which a person has a deeper understanding of the nature of reality, the self, and various spiritual aspects of life that play an important role in one’s personal evolution and psychological development. These mystics developed paranormal powers (or “siddhis”) that mirrored the abilities of magicians, mentalists, and alchemists.  If you’re interested in learning how to...

Practice Awakening Your Third Eye to Access Intuition, Creativity & Bliss

Explore 5 ancient techniques from Tantric, Kriya, and Kundalini Shakti practices. Imagine being able to  access the source of all creativity, intuition, peace, bliss, and light  by simply utilizing the abilities you were born with — no matter what else is happening in your life or in our unpredictable world. For thousands of years, mystics, shamans, seers, and prophets from ancient Egypt to India  used the power of the Third Eye to experience a deepened sense of interconnection and  higher consciousness … … a state of elevated awareness and perception in which a person has a deeper understanding of the nature of reality, the self, and various spiritual aspects of life that play an important role in one’s personal evolution and psychological development. These mystics developed paranormal powers (or “siddhis”) that mirrored the abilities of magicians, mentalists, and alchemists.  If you’re interested in learning how to a...

Experience a guided meditation with Dr. Judith Orloff to deal with a difficult emotion

Empower your emotional life with the 4 components of healing your emotions. Right this moment, you have the ability to achieve emotional freedom. It’s closer than you might think, even in these unfamiliar times…  As an empath, or an otherwise caring and sensitive person, you likely tend to soak up stress from those around you —  and you might find yourself particularly challenged by your emotions in today’s world. You may even unknowingly carry around emotions that aren’t yours, without knowing how to identify or release them.  The good news is, there  is  a solution — you can shift your unproductive emotional patterns and  begin viewing yourself and others through the lens of the heart . You can learn how to be an empowered empath without taking on the emotions of others. On Tuesday, January 11,  Judith Orloff , MD, psychiatrist, empath, and bestselling author, will share the foundation of emotional healing —...

Learn how to access your heart’s healing energy and access your deep intuition

Experience a guided meditation with Dr. Judith Orloff to deal with a difficult emotion. Right this moment, you have the ability to achieve emotional freedom. It’s closer than you might think, even in these unfamiliar times…  As an empath, or an otherwise caring and sensitive person, you likely tend to soak up stress from those around you —  and you might find yourself particularly challenged by your emotions in today’s world. You may even unknowingly carry around emotions that aren’t yours, without knowing how to identify or release them.  The good news is, there  is  a solution — you can shift your unproductive emotional patterns and  begin viewing yourself and others through the lens of the heart . You can learn how to be an empowered empath without taking on the emotions of others. On Tuesday, January 11,  Judith Orloff , MD, psychiatrist, empath, and bestselling author, will share the foundation of emotional hea...