The Winter Solstice Is A Time To Birth The New - Join us December 17-21

An Empowerment and Unity Summit for Everyone!

The Winter Solstice is a sacred time of rest and reflection before the awakening… and the people are waking up!

There is something special happening during the Winter Solstice this year. People are coming together to embrace this turning point and nurture the beginnings of a slow build towards brighter days.

THE EVENT is a live streaming 5-day summit, offering the masses a place to unite, to educate each other, to formulate new ways to move forward, and create a new world together rooted in sovereignty, love, and truth.

By embracing the Winter Solstice’s powerful energy, The Event will be a transformational experience about leaning into this shift.

The world is currently experiencing a massive paradigm shift and the producers of The Event have provided a communal platform for education, discussion, and knowledge - a safe place in which to birth the new.

If you look back on the past few years and feel the pain, or the fear, or the angst… then it is time to step out of that mindset. And the way we do that is together.

>> Learn more information about The Event HERE <<

Come experience this incredibly transformative experience, where spiritual masters and educators and mentors will inspire and guide you

In Latin, solstice is made of two words: sol - meaning “sun”, and sistere - meaning “to make stand.” And on Dec. 17th through Dec. 21st, people are coming together at The Event to make stand, to experience the power of the standstill before moving together in a new direction.

If you are ready to standstill in unity and to be a part of the birthing of a new society grounded in intention, then don’t miss this upcoming summit.

>> Click here to Reserve Your Space now & Access 6 Welcome Gifts Instantly!

Some people hesitate with the term “Christ Consciousness” because it is named after the spiritual elevation Jesus achieved during his mortal life. But it isn’t about having religious affiliation… It's about achieving awareness of the higher self as part of a universal system.

This awareness leads to a path of love, peace, harmony, and bliss, and a deep connection to all beings in the universe.

We all crave connection -- maybe more now than ever. For some, we have gone months with modified human contact while division has slithered its way through our society.

Coming back to this awareness will bring us back in harmony with one another.

Would you like to connect with others with this same desire? Find methods to achieve this awareness if you haven’t already? Or dive deep into methods to universal connection and collaboration?

A group of deeply spiritual healers and teachers have come together to bring the masses a FREE Summit called THE EVENT!

Come experience this incredibly transformative experience, where spiritual masters and educators and mentors will inspire and guide you.

Spirituality and Consciousness is one of 6 pillars being covered at The Event, so you may even discover gems of knowledge in unexpected places.

You don’t want to miss this!

Read more: The Winter Solstice Is A Time To Birth The New - Join us December 17-21


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