
Showing posts from December, 2021

Holistic Certification Training with a Leading Botanical Medicine Expert

Take your natural self-care & spiritual evolution to the next level with a holistic certification training. In the midst of the environmental, economic, social, and global health climate we’re living in, has there ever been a more important time to nourish and protect your body, and cultivate your vitality and life force? Whether you’re new to the world of herbal medicine, or you already have a foundational understanding of how to select, create, and use plant medicines to support optimal wellbeing for your mind, body, and spirit… … I’m excited to let you know about a  first-of-its-kind Shift Network year-long immersive plant medicine certification program  taught by  David Crow , one of the world’s foremost herbal medicine teachers and practitioners. The  Illuminated Herbalism Certification Program  will weave together practical applications of medicines from the Ayurvedic, Chinese, and Western medical systems with ...

Live an Illuminated Life Through Botanical Medicine & its Spiritual Practices

Experience a Guided Practice to Contact the Intelligence of Nature Operating in Your Body. In the midst of the environmental, economic, social, and global health climate we’re living in, has there ever been a more important time to nourish and protect your body, and cultivate your vitality and life force? Whether you’re new to the world of herbal medicine, or you already have a foundational understanding of how to select, create, and use plant medicines to support optimal wellbeing for your mind, body, and spirit… … I’m excited to let you know about a  first-of-its-kind Shift Network year-long immersive plant medicine certification program  taught by  David Crow , one of the world’s foremost herbal medicine teachers and practitioners. The  Illuminated Herbalism Certification Program  will weave together practical applications of medicines from the Ayurvedic, Chinese, and Western medical systems with the cosmological wis...

Discover how to connect with your ideal potential clients, both online and off

Learn how to confidently answer potential customers who ask “What do you do?” As the world continues to be unpredictable, how has your coaching, healing, or other holistic practice been faring? Maybe your business is growing. Perhaps you’ve seen a downturn. Or you might be noticing a demand for more different types of offerings than ever before. Perhaps most significantly,  are you struggling to connect with potential clients to begin with — or looking for new and better ways you can reach them ? Despite all the changes going on in the world, people are still looking for coaches, healers, and holistic practitioners to help them thrive. And because these times call for us to be bold and think outside the box, it’s an ideal time to connect with and serve the people who can most benefit from what you offer. Join us on Thursday, January 6, for a powerful new online event with  Sharla Jacobs , who co-founded Thrive Academy with her husband and busines...

Creating a Thriving Business by Charging More as a Subject Matter Expert

Develop authentic messaging & attract clients to your transformational work. As the world continues to be unpredictable, how has your coaching, healing, or other holistic practice been faring? Maybe your business is growing. Perhaps you’ve seen a downturn. Or you might be noticing a demand for more different types of offerings than ever before. Perhaps most significantly,  are you struggling to connect with potential clients to begin with — or looking for new and better ways you can reach them ? Despite all the changes going on in the world, people are still looking for coaches, healers, and holistic practitioners to help them thrive. And because these times call for us to be bold and think outside the box, it’s an ideal time to connect with and serve the people who can most benefit from what you offer. Join us on Thursday, January 6, for a powerful new online event with  Sharla Jacobs , who co-founded Thrive Academy with her husband and business partner...

Connect with Your Ancestors to Heal Inherited, Personal & Collective Trauma

Discover the personal, family & cultural benefits of ancestral healing. Take a few moments to reflect on the lives of your ancestors and the kind of situations and circumstances they experienced over the generations… … their adventures, accomplishments, life changes — and also the traumatic events and oppression they may have endured. How much do you  really  know about them? Did you know that the experiences of your ancestors  — both positive and negative —  can be passed down from generation to generation, leaving psychic and even physical imprints? Many of you have inherited special skills and talents from your lineages, but  you can also carry your ancestors’ traumas in your bodies, hearts, minds, and souls , without being aware of what they went through… … especially at a time such as this (when collective trauma is at a peak), there can be a  re-triggering within you of your ancestors’ sufferi...

Discover the Personal, Family & Cultural Benefits of Ancestral Healing

Connect with your ancestors to heal inherited, personal & collective trauma. Take a few moments to reflect on the lives of your ancestors and the kind of situations and circumstances they experienced over the generations… … their adventures, accomplishments, life changes — and also the traumatic events and oppression they may have endured. How much do you  really  know about them? Did you know that the experiences of your ancestors  — both positive and negative —  can be passed down from generation to generation, leaving psychic and even physical imprints? Many of you have inherited special skills and talents from your lineages, but  you can also carry your ancestors’ traumas in your bodies, hearts, minds, and souls , without being aware of what they went through… … especially at a time such as this (when collective trauma is at a peak), there can be a  re-triggering within you of your ancestors’ su...

Experience a Powerful Tapping (EFT) Exercise to Help You Transmute a Difficult Emotion

Discover how to break through your resistance to becoming your authentic self. Are you loyal to your soul? There’s a high price to pay — emotionally, physically, and spiritually — when we don’t answer the call of our own soul. Suppressing our true desires or living small in the shadows of the past can cause undue stress, anxiety, addiction, autoimmune issues, heart disease, and a myriad of other physical and emotional issues. Ultimately, when we don’t honor our soul’s longings, we can’t thrive, or receive and embrace the fullness and joy of life — which we all deserve. On Tuesday, January 4, in a special online event with  energy psychology pioneer Mary Sise , you’ll discover a proven approach to Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) — also known as  tapping . Mary’s unique version of this energy clearing technique — based on the approach originally taught by its creator, Roger Callahan, PhD — includes...

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Tapping Practice Transform Limiting Emotions

Experience a powerful tapping exercise to help you transmute a difficult emotion. Are you loyal to your soul? There’s a high price to pay — emotionally, physically, and spiritually — when we don’t answer the call of our own soul. Suppressing our true desires or living small in the shadows of the past can cause undue stress, anxiety, addiction, autoimmune issues, heart disease, and a myriad of other physical and emotional issues. Ultimately, when we don’t honor our soul’s longings, we can’t thrive, or receive and embrace the fullness and joy of life — which we all deserve. On Tuesday, January 4, in a special online event with  energy psychology pioneer Mary Sise , you’ll discover a proven approach to Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) — also known as  tapping . Mary’s unique version of this energy clearing technique — based on the approach originally taught by its creator, Roger Callahan, PhD — inclu...

Come Standstill for the Winter Solstice - Together We Are Stronger!

At a time when health freedom hangs in the balance, When the right to choose what’s best for our bodies is debated, And the right to choose more natural, alternative treatment is under attack – Over 100,000 people will gather together. To learn, unlearn, re-connect, collaborate, and co-create a future of sovereignty. We’re calling it: The Event – a FREE , five-day summit  that features documentary films, exclusive interviews, and world-class speakers. Starting on December 17th , and concluding on the Winter Solstice, dozens of our community leaders will discuss health freedom, lawful solutions, unschooling, prosperity, homestead farming, and more. All for the sake of our liberation – as individuals, and as one. This is our moment to unite together. This is the event where we talk solutions. And this is Your Invitation… >> Join Free here & Receive 6 Welcome Gifts << P eople will come together to change the course of our s...

The Winter Solstice Is A Time To Birth The New - Join us December 17-21

An Empowerment and Unity Summit for Everyone! The Winter Solstice is a sacred time of rest and reflection before the awakening… and the people are waking up! There is something special happening during the Winter Solstice this year. People are coming together to embrace this turning point and nurture the beginnings of a slow build towards brighter days. THE EVENT  is a live streaming 5-day summit , offering the masses a place to unite, to educate each other, to formulate new ways to move forward, and create a new world together rooted in sovereignty, love, and truth. By embracing the Winter Solstice’s powerful energy, The Event  will be a transformational experience about leaning into this shift. The world is currently experiencing a massive paradigm shift and the producers of The Event have provided a communal platform for education, discussion, and knowledge - a safe place in which to birth the new. If you look back on the past few years and feel the pain, or ...

Experience a sound-healing practice to stimulate the potential of your immune system

Initiate a healing transformation by combining frame drumming and conscious breathing. Seekers the world over are returning to the somatic practice of  sacred frame drumming  — adding rhythm and drumming to their self-care practices as a form of active meditation, healing, contemplation, and focus. The practice of frame drumming has a rich cross-cultural history for healing, celebration, ceremony, and rites of passage.   And today, researchers, scientists, and laypeople alike are exploring how the  power of music and sound healing  — along with our beliefs and subjective experiences — can have a measurable  impact on our biology, immune system, and mental and emotional states. Many people have reported that  following a focused drumming session, they often feel a shift in consciousness and a change in mood or energy. On Saturday, December 18, you’ll experience a focused drumming session for yourself when you  join a new on...

Join Guided Sound-healing Experience with the Rhythms of the Frame Drum

Bridge ancient & modern healing wisdom through sacred frame drumming & breathing. Seekers the world over are returning to the somatic practice of  sacred frame drumming  — adding rhythm and drumming to their self-care practices as a form of active meditation, healing, contemplation, and focus. The practice of frame drumming has a rich cross-cultural history for healing, celebration, ceremony, and rites of passage.   And today, researchers, scientists, and laypeople alike are exploring how the  power of music and sound healing  — along with our beliefs and subjective experiences — can have a measurable  impact on our biology, immune system, and mental and emotional states. Many people have reported that  following a focused drumming session, they often feel a shift in consciousness and a change in mood or energy. On Saturday, December 18, you’ll experience a focused drumming session for yourself when you  join a new...

Discover how the Somatic Pandiculation technique reduces chronic pain & tension

Do you ever think,  I’m really too young to be feeling this old ? Even if you think “age is nothing but a number,” it’s hard to not feel old when you’re achy, stiff, and unable to be active and enjoy life as you once did. What if we could feel 10 or 20 years younger by fixing the root cause of our muscle pain? Martha Peterson  is a former professional dancer who discovered, after years of pain and injury,  that much of her ongoing suffering was the result of  poor movement habits   and unconscious habituation to stress . For the last 30 years, Martha has been practicing and teaching the groundbreaking work of Hanna Somatic Education (aka Clinical Somatic Education) — founding Essential Somatics and writing the influential book  Move Without Pain  — to help people recognize  how the reflex patterns they’ve created in their bodies contribute to pain, stiffness, and restricted movement . Martha will sh...