Revealed: The Truth about Food, Nutrition & Diets - Little Change to Healthy Thrive

Most of us think about our bodies a bit like cars… It is such a precise definition is even difficult to imagine if you consider yourself just a body.

Human physical body is a biochemical machine for interacting with the 3-D world of physical density, for self-discovery, gaining experience and constructing reality of different density based on the experience gained.


So, our bodies either working, in which case we take them for granted, or they’re broken — in which case we take them to the repair shop and spend whatever it costs to get them working again.

But what if we didn’t wait to feed our bodies the right kind of fuel?

Almost everyone We know trying to eat well, or to eat better (at least most of the time). Yet as a society, we keep getting sicker and sicker, with rates of chronic illness that are off the charts.


A big reason for this global health crisis has to do with the four most dangerous food lies that many people still believe.

Good news, though — more than 10,000 scientific studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals make it clear: Food is the foundation of health.

You can slash your risk of cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and other chronic illnesses just by eating certain foods (and avoiding others).

>> This week, watch the free Food For Health Masterclass with John Robbins.

John is widely considered one of the leaders of the modern health food movement.

His books have sold millions of copies.

In this must-see Masterclass, you’ll discover the four most dangerous food lies that many people still believe.

You’ll also find out about ten mighty plant-powered breakthroughs that could save millions of lives.

>> Find out how to take advantage of these thrilling health breakthroughs in the Food For Health Masterclass.

If you value health, the Food For Health Masterclass is NOT an event to miss.

Anyone looking to learn how to implement a whole foods, plant-powered diet and optimize their health – Must Watch!

Ever heard of Baskin-Robbins?

John walked away from his family’s multi-million-dollar ice cream empire because he discovered the truth about food.

In this Masterclass, he’ll share his incredible story and give you top tips distilled from decades of scientifically backed research.

Click here to watch the Masterclass this week while it’s available.

Health is your greatest wealth — more important than money, fame, or even reputation.

Certain foods fuel it, and others undermine it.

If you value your health (like I know you do), then this is an opportunity you’re not going to want to miss.

John is one of the world’s most beloved natural health experts. His books have sold millions of copies, and he’s widely considered one of the leaders of the modern health food movement.

In this brilliant Masterclass, you’ll discover the four most dangerous food lies that many people still believe, and you’ll find out about ten mighty plant-powered breakthroughs that could save millions of lives.

>> Join in the free Food For Health Masterclass with John Robbins here.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.


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