Discover how Mediumship can Validate the Existence of Life on the Other Side

One of the profound gifts of mediumship is that it allows us to see for ourselves that death is not the end, but a transition into a whole new world. Mediumship validates the belief that there’s life beyond our earthly embodiment… and that we’re all part of something much greater than the visible world.

Communicating with the spirit world can seem mysterious, magical, and, to some (maybe you?), highly unlikely. However, we all have the ability to contact beings who dwell beyond the veil. 

With pure and conscious intention, and a shift in your perception of reality, you have the capacity to seek connection, guidance, and comforting reassurance from your beloved ancestors and other loved ones who have transitioned — through the power of mediumship.

According to medium and author Suzanne Giesemann, the founder and teacher of The Awakened Way, anyone can learn to connect with the spirit world, because we all have the same “equipment” — a soul.

>> Join here for captivating insights and be guided in a process of helping you open to your own innate gift, in 3 Keys to Unlock Your Powers of Mediumship: An Evidence-Based Path to Communicate With Your Spirit Guides & Loved Ones Beyond the Veil <<

3 Keys to Unlock Your Powers of Mediumship with Suzanne Giesemann

During this complimentary hour, you’ll:

  • Gain an understanding of evidential mediumship, how it manifests in a reading, and why it’s sacred 

  • Experience a guided practice to connect with your guides and ask them for a sign that they’re truly there 

  • Discover the 3 keys to mediumship —  believing in the spirit world,  aligning with your essential nature, and shifting focus from human mode to soul mode

  • Hear evidence Suzanne discerned from a man who passed from COVID

  • Receive a simple checklist to enhance your connections across the veil

Suzanne practices evidence-based mediumship, using simple tools to make reliable connections with the spirit world and discern the verifiability of the information you receive.

As you’ll experience, this practice can nourish both your spiritual and daily life — by expanding your understanding of the soul and bringing greater peace, healing, and love into your life and our world.

>> Register here to watch live or get recording <<

In 3 Keys to Unlock Your Powers of Mediumship: An Evidence-Based Path to Communicate With Your Spirit Guides & Loved Ones Beyond the Veil

… you’ll discover an evidence-based approach to mediumship to make reliable connections with the spirit world — and validate the existence of life on the other side.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.


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