How Fear is Triggered in Your Body & How to Repurpose its Energy

Experience proven mind-body practices that can transform fear and enhance your health.

Many of us have been in a constant state of fear for the past couple of years, with adrenaline becoming our main source of “energy” — and we may not even be aware of it.

This could be you… especially if you find that even mildly alarming situations are triggering an amplified fear response disproportionate to what’s actually happening.

Our fight-flight-freeze-faint response protects us in appropriate situations, such as escaping danger, but if it’s “switched on” all the time, it can become a danger to us. The elevated cortisol levels resulting from fear are linked to lower immune function, high blood pressure, depression, heart disease, and lower life expectancy.

The good news is that we can shift this trajectory with new ways of thinking and being.

On Wednesday, October 13, body intelligence pioneer, author, and evolutionary catalyst Katie Hendricks, PhD, will share why — now more than ever — it’s so important to your health, relationships, and happiness to become aware of your body’s fear response and learn how to “repurpose” the heightened energy behind it to empower your mind, body, and spirit.

>> Join here to Discover the 4 Fear Signatures, Self-Empowering Fear Melters® & How to Befriend Fear: Enhance Your Health & Happiness by Transforming Fear Into Presence & Connection With Proven Mind-Body Practices <<

Discover the 4 Fear Signatures, Self-Empowering Fear Melters® & How to Befriend Fear - Enhance Your Health & Happiness by Transforming Fear Into Presence & Connection With Proven Mind-Body Practices

In this 60-minute online workshop, you’ll:

  • Discover the “medicine of attention,” how awareness of how fear is triggered in your body, and how learning to repurpose its energy can shift every aspect of your life for the better

  • Learn 2 ways the body holds fear (fight and faint) and experience gentle somatic movements — which Katie calls Fear Melters — to release fear, cultivate presence and self-awareness, and feel more self-empowered

  • Discover the 4 fear signatures (fightfleefreeze, and faint) and start to demystify your own unique fear signature

  • Learn a fear “Fast Aid” exercise that can help you release fear quickly in the moment

  • Learn what it means to befriend fear — and how deep engagement with this unsettling feeling can pave the way for an expanded view on life, deeper connection with yourself and others, and greater capacity to live a healthy, happy life 

When you’re more present with what’s happening within your body and around you, you can make better decisions, be more empathetic and connected in your relationships, more tapped into your creative side…

… and become a better steward of your health, helping your nervous system maintain homeostasis so your immune system remains strong and working optimally

You’ll also discover that befriending fear can expand your view of life, your acceptance and love of yourself and others, your capacity to be spontaneous, creative, and fulfilled, and your ability to shift from a protective to a growth mindset.

>> You can register here to watch live event
and/or get recording + extended training later <<

In Discover the 4 Fear Signatures, Self-Empowering Fear Melters® & How to Befriend Fear: Enhance Your Health & Happiness by Transforming Fear Into Presence & Connection With Proven Mind-Body Practices

… you’ll imagine living without fear as you learn practical, easy-to-access, mind-body practices to release it… and expand your view of life for greater presence, connection, and wellbeing.

Read more: How Fear is Triggered in Your Body & How to Repurpose its Energy


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