Experience a Layering Exercise that Increase Your Access to Your Intuition

Understand your real emotions as the portal to your multisensory capabilities.

Are you feeling as much joy as you’d like to these days?

Is your health where you want it to be?

Are you consistently connecting with people and situations propelling you in the direction your soul yearns for? 

On Saturday, October 2, in a free hour-long event with renowned energy medicine healer and medium Marie Manuchehri, you’ll discover that the root to your happiness, health, and sense of fulfillment and self-worth is intertwined with your capacity to listen to your real emotions instead of your mind-made emotions.

AND you’ll learn a powerful technique for shifting your awareness from those mind-made emotions (what you’re thinking) to your authentic emotions (what you’re feeling in your body) — accessing the power of your energy awareness to help you open to more feel-good thoughts.

>> Join here for Ignite Your Medical Intuitive Powers With Multisensory Energy Awareness Techniques: How to Reclaim Your Health, Expand Your Consciousness & Manifest Your Deepest Desires <<

Learn How to Ignite Your Medical Intuitive Powers With Multisensory Energy Awareness Techniques with Marie Manuchehri

During this self-empowering 60-minute workshop, you’ll:

  • Learn why raising your vibrational frequency is crucial to your health, and is your most powerful tool for “matching” and connecting with other “high-frequency opportunities” in your day-to-day life

  • Experience a “layering” exercise that increases your vibrational frequency and expands your multisensory capacity for better access to your intuition and feelings of wellbeing, inner peace, and joy

  • Discover your auric field and how it can act as a protective “skin,” helping you hold powerful energies and boost your intuition to keep you safer and healthier

  • Discover how knowing and learning to trust and speak your truth are at the root of accessing your intuition and maintaining your wellbeing, manifesting your desires, and living a full and balanced life

  • Understand your real emotions as the portal to your multisensory capabilities — and how to discern the difference between mind-made and authentic emotions

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover the key to raising your vibrational frequency and expanding your multisensory capacity. It’s the foundation for accessing your medical intuition as well as everyday intuition that can help you manifest what you want in your life and keep you safe, healthy, and happy.

>> You can register here to watch live event or/and get recording with training <<

In Ignite Your Medical Intuitive Powers With Multisensory Energy Awareness Techniques: How to Reclaim Your Health, Expand Your Consciousness & Manifest Your Deepest Desires

… you’ll discover the keys to raising your vibration and accessing your ability as a medical intuitive and manifester of your soul’s desires. 

Read more: Read more stuff like this.


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