Discover why Dan Brulé says breathing is the Swiss Army knife of life

Learn different breathing techniques to enhance your emotional wellbeing & vitality.

The first thing we do when we’re born is inhale — and the final thing we do in this life is let go of our last breath and exhale. Breathing is not just the starting point of life — it’s the totality of life.

Over the course of our lives — due to bad habits or stressful living — our breathing changes, originating more from the chest than the diaphragm. 

This can impact your sleep and cause fatigue and depression, while eroding your immune system and putting you at risk for cardiovascular disease.

When we become conscious of our intake and expulsion of air, we can regulate, recover, and restore our bodies to optimal health. 

When we improve our breathing habits, we can take part in our own evolution and transformation by changing our physical, chemical, or psychological state.

Dan Brulé, teacher, healer, and a world-renowned pioneer in the field of breathwork, will help you discover that breath does more than just give and sustain life — it determines the quality of life we lead based on how we choose to breathe.

>> Join here for Explore Breathwork as a Spiritual Practice to Heal & Uplift Every Level of Your Being: Experience the 3 Pillars of Breathwork to Relax, Re-Energize & Unleash Your Full Potential <<

learn different breathing techniques to promote your emotional wellbeing, enhance vitality, improve biochemical and metabolic processes, and connect you to pure consciousness

In this reinvigorating FREE one-hour workshop, you’ll be able to:

  • Clear your head, calm your nerves, settle your stomach, and open your heart by making changes to your breathing patterns

  • Develop a relationship to your breath so you recognize what triggers harmful breathing patterns

  • Correct patterns that interfere with your spiritual development

  • Energize yourself at will to awaken and bring balance and vitality to your body, mind, and consciousness

  • Be more conscious, mindful, and aware of triggers that overstimulate your sympathetic nervous system, causing anxiety and stress

Dan Brulé wants you to think of breathing as the Swiss Army knife of life

When you understand how you breathe differently in different situations, you can alter your breathing patterns and improve your physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover how to develop a relationship with your breath so you recognize what triggers incorrect breathing patterns — and know how to correct them.

>> Register free here to watch live event or get recording <<

In Explore Breathwork as a Spiritual Practice to Heal & Uplift Every Level of Your Being: Experience the 3 Pillars of Breathwork to Relax, Re-Energize & Unleash Your Full Potential you’ll learn different breathing techniques to promote your emotional wellbeing, enhance vitality, improve biochemical and metabolic processes, and connect you to pure consciousness.

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