Join an Immersive Mysticism Certification Program with World-renowned Mystic Scholars

Be initiated into a luminous transfiguration to activate sacred change in the world.

Mysticism is commonly known as union with God or the Absolute, but can refer to any kind of ecstasy or altered state of consciousness that is given religious or spiritual significance. It can also refer to the comprehension of ultimate or hidden truths and to human transformation supported by a variety of practices and experiences.

The call for us to step fully into our most awakened and wisest selves has never been more insistent.

One of the most potent paths to this necessary awakening, transformation, and rebirth is the way of the mystic.

A mystic is someone who experiences a direct connection with the Divine, beyond dogma and without intermediaries. When you embrace and embody the mystic that you are in your essence — an original blessing we all hold — you open to Divine Consciousness, which reveals your innate oneness with all that is.

And it is from this eternal core that we can draw the groundedness and resilience that can help us cultivate the clarity, compassion, vision, and inner strength necessary to transform ourselves and help catalyze the healing, revitalizing rebirth our world so desperately needs.

For the first time ever, The Shift Network is offering a Year-Long Certification Program in Living the Way of the Mystic, taught by two of the world’s most beloved and renowned mystic scholars, Andrew Harvey and Mirabai Starr.

On Saturday, June 26, Andrew and Mirabai will introduce you to the most important elements of this groundbreaking year-long journey… sharing with you what you can expect and how your participation promises to transform you and those around you, in ways you might not yet be able to imagine.

>> Join here for Answer the Call of Your Soul Through the Sacred Teachings of the World’s Mystical Traditions: An Overview of a Profound Year-Long Immersion & Initiation Into Your Own Divinity <<

Answer the Call of Your Soul Through the Sacred Teachings of the World’s Mystical Traditions with Mirabai Starr & Andrew Harvey

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll:

  • Be lovingly guided through an opening presence practice

  • Discover what it means to live the way of the mystic

  • Learn how certification in the year-long program is different from other certifications

  • Be presented with the knowledge you need to determine why you’d want to be part of an unprecedented, immersive program to rebirth yourself and our world

  • Hear the call for a commitment to transform and serve others through the profound teachings of mystical traditions from across the globe 

This sweeping, interspiritual quest, covering mystical traditions from around the world, has been designed with great care to initiate you into these traditions’ most inspiring truths, to offer you their most transformative practices, and to open you to a profound, life-changing process that will help you embody your divine truth in your life and work.

When you live the way of the mystic, your deepened connection to the Divine and your own truth will leave you more grounded, loving, compassionate, resilient, generous, creative, and joyful.

>> RSVP for free here to watch Live Event & Recording + Complete Mysticism Certification Training Program <<

In Answer the Call of Your Soul Through the Sacred Teachings of the World’s Mystical Traditions: An Overview of a Profound Year-Long Immersion & Initiation Into Your Own Divinity, you’ll learn about an unprecedented opportunity to join an immersive mysticism certification program with two of the world’s most celebrated mystic scholars… 

… and be initiated into a profound and luminous transfiguration to embody your highest potential and activate sacred change in the world.

Read more: Join an Immersive Mysticism Certification Program with World-renowned Mystic Scholars


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