Join Somatic Movement Summit & Discover lifelong practices for vitality, fluidity & healing

...How to de-stress, feel free in your body & experience healing motion.

When you move about during the day, do you feel discomfort or pain?

The ability to move freely and gracefully is the secret to youth and vitality. 

As we age, our bodies tend to become less fluid and mobile — leading to tension, pain, and discomfort, which causes even greater rigidity. What’s even more alarming is that our minds tend to follow suit.

Our modern-day society encourages a lack of mobility. We are chronic sitters — at desks, in cars, on couches. We become set in our ways as we move through life. 

As a result, we feel “stuck” inside ourselves. We lack the energy, freedom, and resilience we enjoyed as children, when we ran, jumped, and played for hours every day.

The good news is that we can recapture the fluid movement and resilience we experienced as children — an imperative for fostering lifelong health and wellbeing.  

How often do you think about the way you move? Do you have a daily movement practice? 

Are you familiar with somatic movement — movement coupled with awareness? It provides a pathway to healing through embodied motion.

That’s why I’m excited to invite you to join the Somatic Movement Summit — an experiential online gathering of seasoned leaders in this growing and evolutionary field. 

In this one-of-a-kind summit, you’ll not only receive abundant knowledge from world-renowned somatic movement experts… you’ll also experience firsthand, instructive practices and demonstrations of a variety of disciplines.

You’ll have the opportunity to slow down and embody the richness of what our accomplished speakers and practitioners have to offer.

Free Online Event
Somatic Movement Summit
April 19-23, 2021

Somatic Movement Summit 2021

This powerful gathering will feature more than 40 of today’s highly sought-after somatic movement experts and teachers — including Bernadette Pleasant, Paul Linden, Lavinia Plonka, Eleanor Criswell Hanna, Judith Aston, Raja Selvam, Yasmin Lambat, Elisa Cotroneo, and Emory M. Moore Jr.

They’ll be sharing simple somatic practices to move you from stress, anxiety, fatigue, or depletion into easeful states infused with vitality and relaxed alertness. 

This groundbreaking Somatic Movement Summit will reveal the medicinal art and power of embodied motion. We hope you’ll participate in this online gathering presented by The Shift Network. Prepare to be transformed!

>> RSVP here for the Somatic Movement Summit — at no charge <<

During this healing 5-day event, you’ll discover:

  • Ways to nourish your nervous system through centering and connective movement

  • How embodied movement can help dissipate stress, anxiety, fear, and trauma

  • Somatic movement to reverse the effects of aging, and experience a sense of openness and spaciousness

  • Ways you can apply conscious motion on a daily basis to provide ease around challenging and stressful situations

  • Pathways to strengthen immunity, improve heart rate variability, and facilitate natural breathing 

  • The connection between movement and personal power

  • How somatic education transcends old notions of the body as a machine — reframing liberating movement as a holistic discipline

  • Embodied movement for grief

  • Somatic strategies to address pain

  • Somatic methods including Hanna Somatics, Feldenkrais Method®, Rolfing, dance, Somatic Yoga, Body-Mind Centering, Somatic Psychology, pandiculation, and breathwork

  • How somatic movement reactivates youthful energy, resilience, and freedom of movement for lifelong vitality

  • And much more...

We do not have to resign ourselves to inertia, disease, or deterioration as we journey through life — we are designed to stay in motion!

Join this unique gathering of expert teachers in the field of conscious motion, and start enjoying the rest of your divine, delicious, movement-filled life today!

I hope to see you on this journey of somatic awakening!

>> RSVP here for the Somatic Movement Summit — at no charge <<

Here’s a small taste of what our distinguished speakers will be sharing with you…

  • Bodyworker Steve Haines shares how to heal pain, anxiety, and trauma using embodiment — so we can find safety inside our own bodies again after experiencing distress.

  • Join Lavinia Plonka as she reveals how to invite pleasure and power through movement — by exploring the intersection between movement, emotions, and the mind.

  • Orit Sen-Gupta will share her wisdom on a somatic approach to meditation — and guide you to enhance your practice by becoming aware of each of the five sense organs.

  • Discover pandiculation with Yasmin Lambat, RSME — more than just stretching, pandiculation is nature’s way of nourishing, shape-changing, lubricating, hydrating, and revitalizing fascia, the connective tissue which serves as our fabric of embodiment.

  • Learn Somatic Groundwork™ with Kaila June, RSME/MS — a floor-based movement practice that soothes the nervous system, restores tissue integrity, and deepens sensory awareness as a pathway to healing and self-knowledge. 

  • Bernadette Pleasant reminds us that grief is love with nowhere to go.” Receive her tools for navigating grief and reawakening your innate capacity for JOY and aliveness through movement.

And much more…

>> RSVP here for the Somatic Movement Summit — at no charge <<

Read more: Join Somatic Movement Summit & Discover lifelong practices for vitality, fluidity & healing


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