Reconnect to Hope, Courage & One Another Through the Power of Rituals

Discover how rituals can reconnect you to the nourishing elements of this precious life.

The last several months have been intense for many. The isolation, sorrow, and fear have been overwhelming at times.

It’s cathartic to acknowledge our grief and loss during this time. But how can we move beyond the separation we’re feeling to fill ourselves once again with purpose and connection? 

On Saturday, January 23, Suzanne Sterling, an accomplished composer, yogi, activist, teacher, and invoker of the sacred, will demonstrate the power of rituals and show you how creating your own can help you move beyond grief and detachment so you’re ready to reconnect — reestablishing your voice, and grounding yourself with the nourishing elements of this precious life.

>> Join us for Reconnect to Hope, Courage & One Another Through the Power of Rituals: Practices that Recognize the Sacredness of Life’s Joys and Sorrows to Find Steady Ground, Connection & Resilience <<

Join free guided visualization to replace sorrow and fear with safety and solace

In this 60-minute online ritual mini-workshop, you’ll discover:

  • A simple chant as part of the ritual of hope

  • Ways to cultivate courage so you can heal from the isolation and pain you’ve been experiencing

  • Spiritual nourishment derived through grounding and calling in the sacred

  • How to establish yourself as your own spiritual authority

  • The “ritual recipe” that gives you the framework for creating your own sacred practices

When you practice a ritual, it drops you into a sacred place — grounding you, shifting your consciousness down to the very cellular level, releasing stuck emotions and healing trauma, providing you with resilience, and empowering your connection to the world.

You’ll discover there are many ways to incorporate rituals into your everyday life that will help you appreciate and treasure the divinity in all things.

And when we are free to move about again, you can take the rituals you’ve created and bring them into our collective world, where they can be amplified and elevated into the realm of the sacred.

>> You can RSVP for free here to watch Live or Get Free Recording & Extra Training later <<

In Reconnect to Hope, Courage & One Another Through the Power of Rituals: Practices that Recognize the Sacredness of Life’s Joys and Sorrows to Find Steady Ground, Connection & Resilience, you’ll discover how the power of rituals and creating your own can help you move beyond grief and detachment, allowing you to reconnect and ground yourself with the nourishing elements of this precious life.

Read more: Reconnect to Hope, Courage & One Another Through the Power of Rituals


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