Dissolve Stagnation & Fear by Reconnecting to Divine Love

Re-Ignite Your Direct Experience of the Sacred & Reclaim Your Inherent Ecstasy.

I saw that the divine beauty in each heart
is the root of all time
and space…
— Rabia of Basra (c. 717-801)

What does it mean to be a mystic in our time? 

In this modern era brimming with technology, complexity, and noise, have we lost our connection to mystery and mysticism? 

With the chaos of our contemporary world, can we still access poetic states of bliss and the experience of the sublime?

After a year that’s left many feeling bereft, exhausted, and depleted, there’s a strong desire to reconnect with perennial wisdom and replenish the capacity for universal and timeless ecstatic union with the sacred.

Mystics across time have written some of the world’s greatest poetry and scripture during episodes of war, plague, and social upheaval… and they call to us now to reclaim our soul’s longing and commune with the sacred heart of existence — even in the midst of turmoil. 

As we enter a new year and a new era, it’s a perfect time to listen and receive inspiration from the “holy troublemakers” across history — who were both ordinary, flawed people and great mystics — revelling in the sublime while delivering provocative messages of truth and awakening.

I’m thrilled to announce a unique convergence of seasoned scholars, sacred rebels, and mystical seekers, who will support you in restoring your sense of meaning and remembrance of what’s true and lasting… and help you reconnect to love as the harbor amidst life’s crashing storms. 

The Mystics Summit will guide you into the ecstatic wisdom of celebrated figures like Hildegard of Bingen, the Black Madonna, Teilhard de Chardin, Rabia of Basra, Bede Griffiths, Sri Aurobindo… 

… as well as contemporaries like Thomas Merton, Ram Dass, Sri Ma Viddhe, Friar Greg Boyle, Dorothy Day, George Sand, and others.  

Free Online Event
Mystics Summit

February 1-5, 2021

Join Mystics Summit February 1-5, 2021 to Uncover the Ecstatic Wisdom of the Mystics to Reclaim Your Own Connection to the Sacred

This timely event features more than more than 40 scholars, teachers, contemporary mystics — including Krishna Das, Mirabai Starr, Matthew Fox, Rabbi Rami Shapiro, Imam Jamal Rahman, Alexander John Shaia, Andrew Harvey, China Galland, and many others — as they lead you through the lives and times of ancient mystics, their “ordinary heroism,” and lessons you can apply in these tumultuous times. 

Throughout this landmark summit, you’ll receive not only gems of wisdom from the ancient mystics, but also poetry, music, and practices that can put you in touch with the unmistakable passion… born of a direct revelation of “the Beloved.” 

During this seminal 5-day event, you’ll discover:

  • Recent stories of a great contemporary Indian mystic, Sri Siddhe Ma, who died in December 2019

  • Inspiration from Thomas Merton, a guide in contemplative living and the mystical traditions

  • Music inspired by many of the mystics Mirabai Starr has translated and written about

  • How a cross-dressing, cigar-smoking female novelist in France served as a catalyst to the Russian Revolution

  • How mystics Teilhard and Bruteau offered a participatory mysticism centered on learning to wield creative ecstasy for personal and social transformation

  • The account of Reb Zalman’s prolific life and the Jewish Renewal movement which bridged the Hassidic and New Age worlds

  • Rich stories and poetry from Rabia of Basra, the Sufi mystic 

  • How “vernacular mystics” like Julian of Norwich and Mechthild of Magdeburg are among us today — and brimming with love for this broken world 

  • The refreshing movement and dance rituals woven throughout various mystical traditions

  • And much more… 

You’ll come away knowing that mysticism isn’t reserved just for those on the pedestals of religious history. It’s everyone’s birthright!

In fact, you may discover that the great mystics of the past weren’t unapproachable “saints,” but, instead, very human, flawed, who wrestled with the same challenges many of us are having right now. 

You’ll learn about their transcendent experiences and embodied insights. As the Dalai Lama has said: “The purpose of life isn’t to transcend the body but to embody the transcendent.” 

Carrying this harvest of inspiration into the future can help you re-enter the social, cultural, or political sphere with greater attunement to the eternal and sacred… bringing passionate devotion into your acts of service to your community and the world. 

>> RSVP here for Mystics Summit — at no charge <<

P.S. Here’s some of what our brilliant speakers will be sharing with you…

  • Awash in passion, Andrew Harvey will convey teachings from great evolutionary mystics, such as Bede Griffiths, Sri Aurobindo, the Mother, and Sat Pram — who point us toward a truly embodied humanity.

  • Matthew Fox will bring you pioneering teachings from Hildegard of Bingen, a Benedictine abbess of the 12th century, whose love of the “web of creation” we all inhabit makes her wisdom deeply relevant to our times of climate change.

  • Krishna Das will share stories of remarkable beings in India and elsewhere, who’ve opened his heart and expanded his consciousness — and he’ll treat us to some devotional chanting. 

  • Anthoinette Varner (Gangaji) shares her spiritual lineage, telling stories of the mystics who opened the way for her, and models the holy joy that comes with living a fully embodied, grounded life as a mystic, where everything is imbued with the sacred.

  • Join a loving dialog between soul friends, Anne Lamott & Mirabai Starr, who will talk about the sacred and holy as revealed in nature, in stillness, in song, in dreams, and in worship.

  • Renowned world musician Trevor Hall has a deep love for the Divine Mother and an abiding connection with mother India, which he’ll share in songs and conversation with one of his spiritual “aunties,” Mirabai Starr.

  • Join Elizabeth Lesser’s introduction to the women were the storytellers for the myths and scriptures that most powerfully shape our lives... and explore the world through the lens of feminine wisdom. 

  • Rabbi Rami Shapiro speaks on embracing the heart of all spiritual paths, introducing the Holy One as “non-dual Aliveness” and sharing a chant he composed to offer a direct experience of this aliveness. 

  • China Galland will guide your awareness to the Black Madonna and reveal the bridge between the dark feminine and the healing and reparation our world so desperately needs.

  • Imam Jamal Rahman will focus on Islamic Sufi insights and practices to transform the ego, open the heart, and create sacred community in one’s life. 

  • Imam Adé Mendes will illuminate one of the greatest modern manifestations of sacred non-violent resistance through Muslim scholar and mystical poet Ahmadu Bamba, who led the Senegalese liberation from the French colonial empire

You’ll be in good hands with summit host Mirabai Starr, an award-winning author of creative nonfiction and contemporary translations of sacred literature. Mirabai’s newest book, Wild Mercy: Living the Fierce and Tender Wisdom of the Women Mystics, was named one of the “Best Books of 2019” by Spirituality & Practice. 

>> RSVP here for Mystics Summit — at no charge <<

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