Discover why an NDE can Open a Profound Window into Your Journey as a Soul

Receive teachings that can bring comfort, hope, and an understanding of who you are.

Many of us — perhaps now more than at any other time in our lives — are feeling more isolated, lonely, and even a bit lost… 

These feelings are understandable, as we continue to live in what can feel like the eye of a storm, where very real threats to our wellbeing and that of our loved ones, the health of the planet, and maybe even our livelihood loom.

But what if you could find comfort, hope, and an understanding of who you are and where you stand in the cosmos, no matter your circumstances — perspectives and practices that can help ease depression, anxiety, even addiction…

On Wednesday, January 13, bestselling author and academic neurosurgeon Eben Alexander and his partner and co-teacher, sound-journey facilitator Karen Newell, will share powerful teachings to help you expand and deepen your sense of meaning and purpose — in Bridging Ancient Mysticism & the Science of the Near-Death Experience to Feel Into Harmony, Connection & Wholeness.

>> Join us here to watch Live Event or get recording and extra training later <<

Bridging Ancient Mysticism & the Science of the Near-Death Experience to Feel Into Harmony, Connection & Wholeness with Eben Alexander and Karen Newell

During this mind- and heart-expanding hour with Eben and Karen, you’ll: 

  • Explore how uniting principles of conventional science (the physical) and spirituality (the nonphysical) can help you better realize your spiritual nature and the comforting concept of Oneness

  • Understand how Hermetic teachings, derived from ancient mystical traditions and validated by the science of consciousness, can provide clarity about your journey as a soul and help you feel more at home in the universe 

  • Discover how the principle of vibration can help you recognize sensations in resonance with sound and nature that provide a visceral recognition of the underlying truth of Oneness

  • Find out how the vast collection of near-death experience reports validate the concept of Oneness, the nature of consciousness, and the eternity of our souls and their connections

  • Participate in a remote viewing session supported by a meditative theta brainwave entrainment audio to acquire information through means beyond your 5 physical senses, gain confidence in your intuitive skills, and sense your connection with the Universe

Eben will also share details about his NDE and how the experience provides a profound window into our journey as a soul and our understanding of Oneness, while also helping alleviate our fears about death and deepening our embrace of the richness and fullness of life.

This inspiring hour with Eben and Karen will open you to the comforting balm of Oneness Consciousness and its flow of infinite love, providing both a cognitive and whole-body feeling sense of connecting to the Universe as the infinite home of your soul.

>> You can RSVP for free here <<

In Bridging Ancient Mysticism & the Science of the Near-Death Experience to Feel Into Harmony, Connection & Wholeness, you’ll be guided in a remote viewing session supported by theta sound waves to tap into Universal Consciousness, gain confidence in your intuition, and receive direct evidence of our connection with the cosmos. 

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