Learn Gentle Spine Exercise that Helps You Sit at the Computer with Greater Ease

Discover gentle kinetic practices to reverse stressors, expand mobility & build strength.

Did you know that the effects of years of stress on the body — or compromising conditions, such as arthritis, and even aging — can be lessened?

According to pioneering movement teacher and trainer Judith Aston, the body can be de-compromised and revitalized.

For over 50 years she’s helped Olympic athletes, professional dancers, corporate moguls, the elderly — just about every age group and body type — triumph over physical challenges, including her own injuries from car and skiing accidents.

Judith’s holistic approach, which includes gentle loosening, toning, and stretching, uses the senses to listen to the body, tune in to how it’s being used, and create new ways of moving that allow for optimal mobility and wellbeing.

On Tuesday, November 24, Judith will show you how to replace “auto-pilot” movements that may be causing undue harm with movements that feel good and can give you more strength, an expanded range of motion, and a feeling of lightness and ease.

>> Join us here for Feel-Good Movements for a Revitalized & Resilient Body: Gentle Kinetic Practices to Reverse Stressors, Reclaim Mobility, and Build Strength & Tone <<

Feel Good Movements for a Revitalized & Resilient Body with Judith Aston

During this physically liberating hour, you’ll:

  • Discover how the way you move and don’t move shapes your body and wellbeing

  • Learn ways to neutralize physical stressors and help lessen the impact from injuries 

  • Discover how to access a new place of strength and resilience through release of unnecessary tension in your body

  • Discover ways to reclaim your range of motion, freedom, and ease

  • Make your daily movements at work and home more helpful than harmful by learning how to work with gravity instead of against it 

  • Experience an exercise to feel how your day-to-day movements can promote strengthening and lengthening for better self-care 

  • Be guided in a gentle arcing exercise for your spine to find your New Neutral for Now, so you can more easily bend and sit at the computer. (You’ll be amazed by the positive difference you feel after this simple lengthening exercise!

Approaching movement in this way can also help reorganize your connective tissues, called fascia, that permeate your entire body. And when you work with one area, you have a positive effect on your entire body, which is inherently a system of seamless networks of tissues rather than a collection of separate parts.

You won’t want to miss this opportunity to discover simple movements designed to help you make immediate, empowering shifts in the way you move in your daily life — for a stronger, more flexible, more toned, and happier you!

>> RSVP free here for Live Event (get recording + extra training) <<

In Feel-Good Movements for a Revitalized & Resilient Body: Gentle Kinetic Practices to Reverse Stressors, Reclaim Mobility, and Build Strength & Tone, you’ll be guided in a gentle spine exercise to find your New Neutral for Now — so you can more easily bend and sit at the computer with greater strength, mobility, and ease. 

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