Discover Your Connection to Spirit, Source of Life, and all of Creation

Be inspired by the Thanksgiving Address to deepen your connection with life.

Do you long to feel a greater connection with Spirit, Source of Life, and all of Creation?

Values rooted in gratitude and Giving Thanks daily help us nourish our mind and remember our Good Mind — our spirituality as embodied wisdom. 

We open to cultivating inner peace and building unity through our similarities and by celebrating our differences as ways of deeper learning about one another. 

The principles of the Good Mind give us the spiritual discipline to hold deep peace within, and enable us — by our presence alone — to help heal others and the Earth. The Good Mind helps us turn the negatives in life into something positive to benefit our personal growth and help others.

On Saturday, October 24, Kahontakwas Diane Longboat, ceremonial leader and teacher of Indigenous spiritual ways, will guide you in developing your Good Mind and the spiritual wisdom, gratitude, and peace within you ­­ — in Cultivate a Sacred Life Rooted in Spiritual Wisdom: First Nations’ Teachings of the Good Mind to Nurture Gratitude, Peace, Courage, Respect & Love.

>> Join us to Be inspired by the Thanksgiving Address to deepen your connection with life

(+ access event recording later & special training offered to learn more) <<

Discover why falling in love with all of Creation is the path to lasting happiness

During this inspiring hour, you’ll:

  • Discover ways to develop the Good Mind, or spiritual intelligence, to cultivate a life of happiness, honor, respect, love, and peace for yourself and others

  • Learn how Kanaronkwa Medicine evokes love for Self, your partner, and all of Creation

  • Discover the Haudenosaunee Worldview as an example of a good life, and the importance of ceremony, story, song, dance, dreams, Giving Thanks, and connecting with the land in cultivating such a life

  • Experience Ohen:ton Karihwatehkwen, a beautiful Thanksgiving Address as nourishment and inspiration for creating your own blessings of gratitude 

  • Be immersed in a Creation Story as a rich pathway to deepen your relationship with Self — and expand your family to include all life beings

Diane believes that understanding the importance of traditional ceremony, story, song, dance, and teachings as healing invocations is imperative to society’s wellbeing and the renewal of all Life Beings.

More than anything, you’ll experience why these ancient practices hold the power to help us remember our deep connection with the land — and the spiritual wisdom of the Good Mind for cultivating inner peace and unity with all.

>> RSVP for free here to watch live (+ extra training) <<

In Cultivate a Sacred Life Rooted in Spiritual Wisdom: First Nations’ Teachings of the Good Mind to Nurture Gratitude, Peace, Courage, Respect & Love, you’ll be nourished and inspired by Ohen:ton Karihwatehkwen —the Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address — to create your own powerful words of gratitude and deepen your connection with all of life.

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