Discover Somatic Dance for Emotional Alchemy with Bernadette Pleasant

Experience somatic movement to express your feelings and embody emotional freedom.

Imagine feeling vibrantly alive, moving your body with joyous abandon as you uncover, express, and move through long-suppressed or hidden emotions.

Waiting for you on the other side of this experiential, life-transforming practice is the glorious state of emotional freedom.

According to renowned somatic healer Bernadette Pleasant, truly expressing and feeling your emotions can not only improve your wellbeing, but can be the key to living a juicy, fully experienced, passionate, and sensual life… opening you up to fully being YOU.

Movement, specifically dance, provides a powerful and easy way to help us release feelings that no longer serve us, and to discover and express emotions we were previously unaware of.

Movement and dance can help you rediscover your primal self…

On Wednesday, July 22, Bernadette will show you how you can perform intuitive, free form dance movements to the beat of a drum, to get your focus off of your repetitive thoughts and into the wise and healing sensations of your body.

>> Register for Discover Somatic Dance for Emotional Alchemy: Simple Somatic Movement to Express Your Feelings for a Passionate, Authentic & Healthy Life <<

Somatic Dance for Emotional Alchemy Simple Somatic Movement to Express Your Feelings for a Passionate, Authentic & Healthy Life

During this liberating hour, you’ll:

  • Discover the importance — to your health and wellbeing — of honoring and expressing your feelings

  • Learn how movement and dance can open you to your full range of emotions and be a powerful means for expressing difficult feelings during these chaotic times

  • Discover how dance can help you reclaim childlike spontaneity, curiosity, playfulness, and joy — and allow for an authentic experience of YOU and your life

  • Discover that you can choose and invite in joy, and learn how movement can help you access this pleasurable feeling — even through pain you may be experiencing

  • Be guided on an Emotional Tour  — a somatic dance practice to release constricted emotions, calm your nervous system, and step more confidently into your authentic Self

In these uncertain and turbulent times, we’re all bound to be holding strong feelings… perhaps some we’re not even aware of. And if you’re like many, you may even be feeling shame about feeling joy — in the midst of all the suffering across the globe.

During this special hour you’ll discover how to use simple dance movements to unlock stuck emotions, express difficult feelings, open to joy, and start feeling the liberating abandon of being who you truly are.

>> RSVP for free here <<

In Discover Somatic Dance for Emotional Alchemy: Simple Somatic Movement to Express Your Feelings for a Passionate, Authentic & Healthy Life, you’ll be guided on an Emotional Tour — a somatic practice to release constricted emotions, calm your nervous system, and step more confidently into your authentic Self.

Read more: Discover Somatic Dance for Emotional Alchemy with Bernadette Pleasant


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