Next-Level Healing for Intuitives & Empaths in Extraordinary Times with Wendy De Rosa

Discover how to own your emotions and heal the wounds in your lower chakras.

Being an intuitive, empath, or highly sensitive person in these challenging times can certainly feel overwhelming.

Perhaps you’re being forced to deal with your own suppressed emotions — as well as the heightened emotions of those around you — as many of the old ways are crumbling…

The truth is, though, that your intuitive gifts are more valuable than ever.

In these unprecedented days, YOU are uniquely equipped to live as an empowered empath in a world in which you feel so much. 

On Saturday, May 9, author, trainer, and intuitive healer Wendy De Rosa will help you discover how you can fully embody the power that exists in your lower chakras — and stop operating from the wounds you’re holding in this area of your body — in a free video event: Next-Level Healing for Intuitives & Empaths in Extraordinary Times: Clear Energetic Imprints to Emerge as an Empowered Empath.

>> Join here for Live Event (get recording and training) <<

Next-Level Healing for Intuitives & Empaths in Extraordinary Times with Wendy De Rosa

During this special event, you’ll discover: 

  • The essential role of intuitives and empaths at this time — and why your soul incarnated now  

  • Why owning and processing your emotions is so integral to the energy clearing process 

  • How to hold energetic and physical boundaries as an intuitive or empath — especially in the face of personal, community, and global grief and loss

  • The most powerful survival practice and healing technique to have in your self-care toolkit right now 

  • An energy-healing practice to help you anchor into deeper grounding and integrate the teachings of this powerful hour — so you can take them into your daily life

You’ll discover why emotions like fear, anger, shame, guilt, and frustration can be so easily triggered right now — in spite of all the healing work you’ve done.

You’ll explore how to clear these blocks and make room for a much healthier, more embodied relationship with your own emotions — and with the world around you…

>> RSVP here to join us for this important free event <<

In Next-Level Healing for Intuitives & Empaths in Extraordinary Times: Clear Energetic Imprints to Emerge as an Empowered Empath, you’ll receive a healing energy practice to embody your intuitive healing gifts and deepen your grounding in these pivotal days.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.


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