Shamanic Practices for Calming Fear as we Navigate these Uncertain Times

Become a pillar of light and strength, capable of protecting you and your loved ones.

Sandra Ingerman, one of The Shift Network’s most beloved teachers, has generously offered to set aside a full 90 minutes on April 1 to present 3 Shamanic Practices for Spiritual Immunity: How to Strengthen Your Health, Navigate Fear & Empower Your Community.

This special online event will include a healing ceremony as well as teachings on shamanic practices that can help you calm your fears, optimize your health and strength, and radiate divine spiritual light for the benefit of all.

Sandra has been at the forefront of bringing shamanic practices to a global audience, training tens of thousands of practitioners worldwide. As the scope of our current crises becomes more evident, we are thrilled she has offered to bring you this free event.

In times of collective challenge and fear, we actually have far more resources than we realize. Sandra will help you find them and tap into powerful wisdom beyond the physical — to guide each of us in right action for our personal wellbeing, to navigate emotional storms, and to energetically strengthen frayed community bonds.

Shamanism empowers us to be pillars of light and strength, capable of weathering emotional storms and creating protection for ourselves and those we love. The urgency to gain access to these ancient practices has never been greater.

3 Shamanic Practices for Spiritual Immunity: How to Strengthen Your Health, Navigate Fear & Empower Your Community

Over 90 minutes, Sandra will share with you how to:

  • Explore the many reasons shamanic journeys — to the future and back to the ancestors — can give us essential wisdom for navigating our present crises

  • Open to a transfiguration practice to radiate light through your organs and out into the world

  • Receive a practice to heal and transmute toxic thoughts such as fear, anger, grief, and betrayal


  • Participate in a global ceremony that’s already brought comfort and energetic healing to thousands — to better strengthen community bonds in difficult situations

>> RSVP here to reserve your space to watch Live (get recording) <<

Sandra Ingerman is one of the few teachers who are both qualified and caring enough to support us during these challenging times with deeply healing shamanic practices. 

Join Sandra on Wednesday, April 1, for 3 Shamanic Practices for Spiritual Immunity: How to Strengthen Your Health, Navigate Fear & Empower Your Community

… to boost what Sandra calls your “spiritual immunity” — a state in which you optimize your health, strength, and capacity to help support the spirits of those around you.

Read more: Shamanic Practices for Calming Fear as we Navigate these Uncertain Times


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