Healing Power of Chinese Reflexology & Dragon Spirit Meditation

Follow along with a Step-by-Step Chinese Reflexology Demonstration with a Live Model.

Once upon a time, there was a girl who was fierce, adventurous, curious, and confident. She was strong AND sensitive, and followed the beat of her own drum.

Then she was told to be quiet, that she had no worth, that her appearance was all that mattered. She began to doubt herself, to play small, and to ignore her inner voice.

If you’re like so many other women, her story is all too familiar… and painful.

And the consequences of living this story, of enduring years of critical self-talk, can negatively impact your health and wellbeing.

This feeling of insufficiency can lead to energy imbalances at the root of many women’s health issues, including fatigue, migraines, breast lumps, painful periods, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, fibroids and cysts, infertility, premature gray hair, osteoporosis, menopausal symptoms such as insomnia and hot flashes…. and even the common cold.

The good news is that the ancient healing art of Chinese reflexology offers relief from these key physical and emotional imbalances — igniting a journey of self-discovery and self-healing.

On Saturday, February 29, Chinese reflexologist and author Holly Tse will share her unique holistic approach of Chinese reflexology and Dragon Spirit meditation to help you reconnect with your brilliance and replenish your body’s Qi during Reconnect to Your Inner Brilliance with Chinese Reflexology: Clear Blocked Energy & Return to Self-Love.

>> Registration for this virtual event is free. Reserve your space now <<

Reconnect to Your Inner Brilliance with Chinese Reflexology Clear Blocked Energy & Return to Self-Love

In this hour-long free online event, you’ll discover:

  • The foundations of traditional Chinese reflexology — and how massaging your feet clears energy blocks and assists with emotional healing

  • A step-by-step Chinese reflexology demonstration — with a live model — to walk you through massaging a powerful point on your feet to release negative emotions and realize your inner brilliance

  • Why feelings of insufficiency mean you often work twice as hard, settle for second best, and put others ahead of yourself — and how to turn this around so that you love yourself more and put yourself first

  • Ways to break the habit of pushing yourself to exhaustion so you can replenish your body’s Qi — and feel balanced, resilient, and energized 

  • A powerful Dragon Spirit meditation for self-love to reclaim your power and connect with your soul’s perspective on how it sees you and loves you unconditionally

More than anything, Chinese reflexology provides a simple path from powerlessness to reclaiming your body, mind, heart, and spirit — and feeling more love and compassion for yourself.

Don’t miss your chance to learn how you can easily administer reflexology on yourself wherever you are and whenever you need it, to clear energy blocks that lead to health issues, feelings of imbalance, and more…

>> RSVP for free here <<

During Reconnect to Your Inner Brilliance with Chinese Reflexology: Clear Blocked Energy & Return to Self-Love, you’ll learn easy hands-on methods you can use to replenish your Qi (life-force energy), release negative emotions, and realize your inner brilliance.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.


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