EFT Tapping Helps Turning Back Your Age with Your Beliefs

Turn back your age with your beliefs and EFT tapping energy therapy…

Do you ever feel old?

Ever feel that you can’t do the things you want to do because of your age and health? That you’re not the “spring chicken” you used to be? Or have you ever thought to yourself “Oh, I’m too old to do that”?

Maybe you’re not saying these things out loud, but we all tend to think these harsh comments to ourselves. And these harsh comments have a bigger impact on our health and our aging than we realize…

I want to share a video with you today that has the ability to add years to your life and more importantly, to dramatically change how old you look and feel!

In this video, you’ll hear from New York Times best-selling author Dr. Christiane Northrup about the effects of our beliefs, emotions, and the people in our lives on our age!

Now the big question is of course… so how do we turn on that fountain of youth and make ourselves look and feel younger? 🙂

In this video with Dr. Northrup you’ll learn about how new science is proving just how powerful our mind is in preventing (or causing) illness, developing our brains and learning new skills, and with slowing down (or speeding up!) our aging!

And you’ll learn what you can do to actually turn back the hands of time.

>> Check it out here <<

In this video with Dr. Northrup you'll learn about how new science is proving just how powerful our mind is in preventing (or causing) illness, developing our brains and learning new skills, and with slowing down (or speeding up!) our aging!

Health is more than waiting for disease to happen” – Dr. Christiane Northrup – Watch this powerful interview with Dr. Northrup and Jessica Ortner as they talk about how beliefs, culture and buried emotions cause imbalances in the body that lead to disease – and how EFT Tapping can diffuse those ticking time-bombs long before you end up with a diagnosis.

Some of what Dr. Northrup talks about in this video includes:

  • Why you should never share your age (she has a very good reason for this and it’s not what you think).

  • The difference between your chronological vs biological age (the good news is you can turn back your biological age!)

  • How to be an “outlier” that lives a longer and healthier life.

  • The three commonalities that all centenarians have in common that let them live past 100 with life and vibrancy.

  • The “nun study” about dementia that is showing that the symptoms for dementia (and many other illnesses) aren’t as accurate as we think (and how big a role our belief systems actually play in this)

  • Why you need to guard your mind vigilantly when receiving a “diagnosis” because of the effect it alone has on your health.

  • Any much more!

>> If you want to slow down the hands of time, watch this video <<

Watch Dr. Christiane Northrup explains how beliefs and buried emotions lead to disease - and how EFT Tapping can help

Disease. It’s not about your genes. Listen to Dr. Christiane Northrup discuss how our beliefs culture and buried emotions lead to imbalances in the body that create stress and inflammation. She talks about how EFT Tapping can lower those stress hormones and shares her own powerful experience with Tapping.

Video is being released in the lead up to the 12th Annual Tapping World Summit, an online event that has been attended by over 2.5 million people over the last 11 years (Wow!). This event is 100% content and well worth attending. I highly recommend showing up for it since it’s free to attend and learning how to use Tapping can dramatically improve your life.

Read more: EFT Tapping Helps Turning Back Your Age with Your Beliefs


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