How to Raise Your Vibration Transforming Grief & Pain into Purpose & Joy

Receive Soul-Led Approaches to Navigate Life’s Little to Big Losses

Loss and grief can be painful to say the least.

From smaller disappointments like noticing a new sign of aging — to tremendous losses like the death of a loved one, little and big losses can create huge shifts.

They’re part of our human condition…

… and they’re also part of your soul’s evolution — many spiritual traditions believe our soul chooses our life’s losses before we incarnate to help us align with our specific “soul curriculum.”

Ultimately, loss and grief can serve as powerful catalysts for transformation, sending us on a trajectory to discover who we truly are and what we’re meant to do in this lifetime…

If your life has been touched by loss, you can discover how to see your feelings as friendly messengers that can help you navigate your grief and turn pain into peace…

You can also start to pave the way to a happier life — one that has room for your soul’s most treasured plans for you — and for your most authentic and fulfilling purpose.

On Saturday, January 11, you can join award-winning author, expert grief guide, and life-purpose coach Uma Girish for a free online event: 

How to Transform Your Grief & Pain Into Purpose & Joy: Receive Soul-Led Approaches to Navigate Life’s Little to Big Losses

>> Simply register here to watch Live (get recording) <<

Life-purpose coach Uma Girish event How to Transform Your Grief & Pain Into Purpose & Joy Receive Soul-Led Approaches to Navigate Life’s Little to Big Losses

In this heartening hour, you’ll discover:

  • The various types of grief you may be holding — without even realizing it — from minor disappointments to loss of a loved one to ancient, unhealed ancestral pain

  • How to open to your difficult feelings as friendly messengers that can help you navigate grief

  • Why your soul chooses the losses you experience and how this is connected to energy

  • How awareness of your body as energy — and learning to raise your vibration — can help you transform negative emotions into positivity

  • A practice to tap into grief you’re holding in your body — and how to work with it to start shifting your pain to purpose

If you’re ready to transform grief and welcome in joy, you won’t want to miss this opportunity. You’ll discover how all your losses — big and small — can be tuned into as soul-led guidance that can lead you from pain to peace. 

Join Uma Girish — award-winning author, expert grief guide, and life-purpose coach — on Saturday, January 11 to take the first steps toward transforming pain into joy and creating a new life that embraces all parts of you.

Uma holds an International Diploma in Teaching and Training from Cambridge University in the UK, has mentored with some of the top experts in the grief and loss field, and has authored several books on the subject. She’s helped hundreds move through grief and loss to live lives of joy, meaning, and purpose.

>> How to Transform Your Grief & Pain Into Purpose & Joy is free to attend, but you’ll need to RSVP here <<

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