
Showing posts from January, 2020

Release Personal Suffering & Reclaim Your Natural State of Happiness

Access Toltec wisdom and practices to release old stories and discover your truth Have you ever wondered if the life you’re living is only a version of a story you’ve been telling yourself… maybe one of scarcity, self-doubt, and fear? You can likely trace that story back to your inner critic, who whispers that who you are isn’t good enough and smart enough, that your dreams are foolish and not even in the realm of possibility… If you’ve worked hard to rewrite your stories, that’s a big step in the right direction — however, they’re  still stories , which by definition means  they don’t tell the whole truth about who you are . Yet, these stories are so emotionally powerful that we think they ARE the truth, that we ARE who we think we are. Fortunately, through a powerful inquiry practice using Toltec wisdom as the framework,  you CAN untangle your emotions from your stories, and your stories from the truth …...

Discover which Foods are in Harmony with Your Gut Type for maintaining Optimal Health

Foods and Lifestyle choices that can bring your system back into balance As we deepen into this new year, are you ready to boost your health, more effectively prevent or manage disease, and bring your digestion and system back into harmony?   It’s so important to be aware of the crucial connection between your overall health and gut — and to have the knowledge and wisdom to be able to effectively act on that awareness.  For instance, when your microbiome — the good and bad bacteria in your gut — is out of balance and you’re experiencing digestive and other health issues, it’s crucial to view this discomfort as a “friendly warning.” According to neurologist and author Trupti Gokani, stomach upsets or discomforts are our body’s way of telling us something is amiss. If ignored, they can lead to a variety of health issues, from sleeplessness to mood swings to more serious health challenges such as diabetes, heart disease, and ...

Discover hidden Gut Health Disruptors — and ways to get your system back in balance

Discover why digestive and other health issues are a ‘friendly warning’ As we deepen into this new year, are you ready to boost your health, more effectively prevent or manage disease, and bring your digestion and system back into harmony?   It’s so important to be aware of the crucial connection between your overall health and gut — and to have the knowledge and wisdom to be able to effectively act on that awareness.  For instance, when your microbiome — the good and bad bacteria in your gut — is out of balance and you’re experiencing digestive and other health issues, it’s crucial to view this discomfort as a “friendly warning.” According to neurologist and author Trupti Gokani, stomach upsets or discomforts are our body’s way of telling us something is amiss. If ignored, they can lead to a variety of health issues, from sleeplessness to mood swings to more serious health challenges such as diabetes, heart di...

Access Your 3 Wisdom Centers with Celtic Shamanism, Qigong & Enneagram

Learn a potent grounding exercise to help you access your inner guidance. Do you have a particular way of tapping into your inner guidance? You may have a stronger emotional — or heart sense — when it comes to decision making… Or, your mind may lead the way when you’re struggling with complex life choices… Maybe you often go with your gut, because it registers first when you’re approaching a new situation, and you’ve come to trust it. Discovering how to “listen to” and integrate the wisdom of all three wisdom centers can enhance your personal life, your spiritual life, and all your relationships. On Wednesday, January 22, author Sean Esbjörn-Hargens, the founder of MetaIntegral, will invite you to experience the profound clarity, increased feelings of love, and heightened self-empowerment you can access when you learn to tap into each of your wisdom centers and integrate their “whole-body” knowing. >> Join u...

Learn a Potent Grounding Exercise to Help You Access Your Inner Guidance

Discover Qigong’s approach to integrating ‘the 3 treasures’. Do you have a particular way of tapping into your inner guidance? You may have a stronger emotional — or heart sense — when it comes to decision making… Or, your mind may lead the way when you’re struggling with complex life choices… Maybe you often go with your gut, because it registers first when you’re approaching a new situation, and you’ve come to trust it. Discovering how to “listen to” and integrate the wisdom of all three wisdom centers can enhance your personal life, your spiritual life, and all your relationships. On Wednesday, January 22, author Sean Esbjörn-Hargens, the founder of MetaIntegral, will invite you to experience the profound clarity, increased feelings of love, and heightened self-empowerment you can access when you learn to tap into each of your wisdom centers and integrate their “whole-body” knowing. >> J...

Must Watch Bob Proctor's LIVE Stream to Shift Your Paradigms - January 24 – 26

To Change You Life You Must Change Your Habits When people want to move ahead, they often think about what they’ll have to give up. Well, Bob Proctor, a man who has gone from down and out to changing the world, says we should be thinking about what’s coming. Because what’s coming is what we want… It’s more money, better health, improved relationships, a new business… whatever we have our heart set on. Of course, it’s easy to want those things. But it’s not so easy to get them. Unless and until you change the thing that is keeping you from your desires. I’m talking about your paradigm—the mental program that has almost exclusive control over your habitual behavior. It controls the way you view yourself, the world and opportunity. It controls how you approach change and challenges. It controls your success and happiness in life. >> Go here for more Details about the event and Register for the LIVE Stream << Your...

How to Use the Gift of Your Sensitivity to Heal Deep-rooted Shame & Fear

&#128266; Click to Listen this article As an empath, intuitive, or highly sensitive person, do you find yourself experiencing persistent anxiety, worry, and stress? As an empath, intuitive, or highly sensitive person, do you find yourself experiencing persistent anxiety, worry, and stress? Do you feel uncomfortable in your own body, and look to others for validation and approval of who you are? When deep-rooted fear and shame are woven into your daily thoughts and actions, it’s impossible to experience true fulfillment, self-love, and authentic power — and to bless the world with the full measure of your unique gifts. Yet, these self-limiting thoughts likely didn’t originate with anything  you  did… These ever-present feelings of fear and shame are often  embedded in your spiritual DNA  — from your childhood experiences, past lifetimes, and even your family lineage. As an empath or intuitive, you’re more sensitive to this inherite...

As an Empath or Intuitive, Uncover the Fear & Shame Embedded in Your Spiritual DNA

Discover how inherited shame impacts your physical, emotional, and energy body As an empath, intuitive, or highly sensitive person, do you find yourself experiencing persistent anxiety, worry, and stress? As an empath, intuitive, or highly sensitive person, do you find yourself experiencing persistent anxiety, worry, and stress? Do you feel uncomfortable in your own body, and look to others for validation and approval of who you are? When deep-rooted fear and shame are woven into your daily thoughts and actions, it’s impossible to experience true fulfillment, self-love, and authentic power — and to bless the world with the full measure of your unique gifts. Yet, these self-limiting thoughts likely didn’t originate with anything  you  did… These ever-present feelings of fear and shame are often  embedded in your spiritual DNA  — from your childhood experiences, past lifetimes, and even your family lineage. As an empath or intuitive, you...

Medical Qigong Movement, Intention & Breath - Expanding Your Self-healing Capacity

&#128266; Click to Listen this article Awaken and activate your own ‘inner elixir’ – anytime and anywhere Are you ready to accept how powerful you truly are? Right this moment, you have the power to relieve your symptoms, transform dis-ease, heal your health challenges at their root cause, and so much more… Whether you’re battling a health condition or are simply seeking extra energy in your life, NOW is the time to apply the most profound medicine of all — your own life-force energy. On Wednesday, January 15, leading Qigong practitioner Dr. Roger Jahnke will show you how to deepen and advance your Medical Qigong practice to bring your capacity to self-heal into EVERY part of your life and wellbeing. >> Register here for  Discover the Deeper Dimensions of Medical Qigong: Advanced MindBody Practices to Unlock Self-Healing & Access the Power of Medicine Within << In this complimentary online event, you’ll: Explore advance...

Medical Qigong Power Experience for Radical Healing & Transformation within You

Expand your capacity for self-healing in every aspect of your life. Are you ready to accept how powerful you truly are? Right this moment, you have the power to relieve your symptoms, transform dis-ease, heal your health challenges at their root cause, and so much more… Whether you’re battling a health condition or are simply seeking extra energy in your life, NOW is the time to apply the most profound medicine of all — your own life-force energy. On Wednesday, January 15, leading Qigong practitioner Dr. Roger Jahnke will show you how to deepen and advance your Medical Qigong practice to bring your capacity to self-heal into EVERY part of your life and wellbeing. >> Register here for  Discover the Deeper Dimensions of Medical Qigong: Advanced MindBody Practices to Unlock Self-Healing & Access the Power of Medicine Within << In this complimentary online event, you’ll: Explore advanced,  next-level activation of your “inner...

Powerful Visualization Practice Moving Beyond the LOA with Michael Bernard Beckwith

&#128266; Click to Listen this article Discover 4 Frequencies of Consciousness to Radiate Your Soul’s Calling. Have you noticed that The Law of Attraction, affirmations, vision boards, and/or your go-to forms of prayer and meditation, are no longer yielding the “answers” you’re seeking? If so, you may be ready to move beyond visualization and into  living in a visioning state. In a visioning state, you no longer need to “outpicture” your vision — instead, you  radiate  it because consciousness is guiding you to operate from the highest expression of yourself. Bestselling author, spiritual teacher, and founder of Agape International Spiritual Center,  Michael Bernard Beckwith , will help you move beyond the limits of visualization — to begin living  as  your vision. >> You can reserve your FREE space for  Living in a Visioning State in Your 40s, 50s & Beyond: Discover 4 Frequencies of Consciou...

Tune into Happiness - Soul-led Guidance for Navigating Grief & Loss

&#128266; Click to Listen this article Discover how to navigate grief and turn pain into purpose. Loss and grief can be painful to say the least. From smaller disappointments like noticing a new sign of aging — to tremendous losses like the death of a loved one, little and big losses can create huge shifts. They’re part of our human condition… … and they’re also part of your soul’s evolution — many spiritual traditions believe our soul chooses our life’s losses before we incarnate to help us align with our specific “soul curriculum.” Ultimately, loss and grief can serve   as powerful catalysts for transformation, sending us on a trajectory to discover who we truly are and what we’re meant to do in this lifetime… If your life has been touched by loss, you can discover how to see your feelings as  friendly messengers  that can help you navigate your grief and turn pain into peace… You can also st...

How to Raise Your Vibration Transforming Grief & Pain into Purpose & Joy

Receive Soul-Led Approaches to Navigate Life’s Little to Big Losses Loss and grief can be painful to say the least. From smaller disappointments like noticing a new sign of aging — to tremendous losses like the death of a loved one, little and big losses can create huge shifts. They’re part of our human condition… … and they’re also part of your soul’s evolution — many spiritual traditions believe our soul chooses our life’s losses before we incarnate to help us align with our specific “soul curriculum.” Ultimately, loss and grief can serve   as powerful catalysts for transformation, sending us on a trajectory to discover who we truly are and what we’re meant to do in this lifetime… If your life has been touched by loss, you can discover how to see your feelings as  friendly messengers  that can help you navigate your grief and turn pain into peace… You can also start to pave the way to a...

Coaches, Healers, Holistic Practitioners Secrets Making Perfect "What I Do" Statement

&#128266; Click to Listen this article Discover How to Avoid Biggest Mistakes in Describing Your Offerings. “So, what do you do?” Do you have an irresistible response to this question when asked about your business life? One that leads people to immediately take notice, ask more questions, and even book an appointment with you on the spot? The truth is: without a simple, powerful statement, you’re losing business  every time  you answer this question… And unfortunately, many coaches, healers, and holistic practitioners fall short in building their businesses because their response doesn’t grab the attention of prospective clients. On Saturday, January 4, Sharla Jacobs, co-founder of Thrive Academy, will reveal the #1 mistake that coaches and holistic practitioners make in sharing their offer — and how to avoid making that mistake — during a free webinar event:  How to Create a Unique “What Do You Do” Statement That Ge...

Coaches & Holistic Practitioners #1 Know How Making Unique “What Do You Do” Statement

Surprising Insights from a “Heart-based” Selling Expert. “So, what do you do?” Do you have an irresistible response to this question when asked about your business life? One that leads people to immediately take notice, ask more questions, and even book an appointment with you on the spot? The truth is: without a simple, powerful statement, you’re losing business  every time  you answer this question… And unfortunately, many coaches, healers, and holistic practitioners fall short in building their businesses because their response doesn’t grab the attention of prospective clients. On Saturday, January 4, Sharla Jacobs, co-founder of Thrive Academy, will reveal the #1 mistake that coaches and holistic practitioners make in sharing their offer — and how to avoid making that mistake — during a free webinar event:  How to Create a Unique “What Do You Do” Statement That Gets You Clients: Stand in Your Value ...