Discover the Deeper Messages in the Christian lineage

How to Embody Sacred Love in Action

If there was ever a time to honor the transcendent truth in every faith tradition and find within it the transformative power to move us towards global unity… NOW is that time!

And, what if one of the most important steps you could take to achieve that end was to discover the deeper messages hidden within the Christian lineage?

I truly believe these hidden messages can help you open your heart wide and walk a path of sacred action in profound connection with the Divine, while also embracing and honoring all global spiritual traditions.

And, that’s why we’re excited to share with you a FREE virtual workshop produced by The Shift Network and featuring renowned, mystic-scholar Andrew Harvey titled, Rediscovering the Christ Path: How to Embody Sacred Love in Action.

Rediscovering the Christ Path How to Embody Sacred Love in Action

During this powerful and illuminating workshop, Andrew will pull back the veil on the radical truths from the heart of the Christian tradition… truths that have been hidden from us for hundreds of years! He will shine the light on the path forward for each of us to more fully embody Christ consciousness, marry sacred masculine and feminine and nourish the divine child in each of us.

As a celebrated scholar of world mystic traditions, Andrew will reveal the deeper, esoteric understandings previously hidden within the Christ lineage that will help you to:
  • See the teachings of Jesus with fresh eyes, as a way-shower, a friend and an ally.

  • Embody more of your innate divinity, and see that divinity embodied in others.

  • Reclaim the sacred feminine that is at the heart of the lineage.

  • And more!

Andrew is passionate about calling us into a real, tangible, action-inducing relationship with the Divine; one that is built on sacred service and ministering to the suffering of the world.

Be prepared for brilliance, provocative insights and passionate words that speak straight into your soul!

>> Reserve your spot here <<

PS – Marianne Williamson says about Andrew:

“Every age has its teachers, who keep the eternal truths alive for all of us. And when a generation is very, very lucky, it encounters a teacher so illumined that the words he delivers must be illumined, as well. In the case of Andrew Harvey, the light he sheds is like a meteor burst across the inner sky.”

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Read more: Discover the Deeper Messages in the Christian lineage


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