
Showing posts from March, 2019

Blessing from Freyja Norse Goddess, Ancestress of all Shamanic Practitioners

Discover the healing wisdom of Norse mythology In ancient times, it was common to turn to one’s elders when facing a challenge or feeling overwhelmed or lonely. The profound wisdom they shared was often delivered in the form of  myth. These stories, passed down through the ages and shared by cultures around the world, can provide  you  with insights that help you solve your own life’s challenges and navigate these turbulent times… In Norse mythology,  Freyja  carried the mantle of the great mother and goddess of the hunter-gatherers of Paleolithic times into the Middle Ages, and still “lives” within us today as an all-encompassing archetype of the Divine Feminine. Freyja is an ancestor to all who practice shamanism today. On Saturday, April 13, shamanism teacher Evelyn Rysdyk will show you how to learn and experience firsthand how to bring the healing nature of the Divine Feminine into your life and out into the world during a FREE...

Connect with Your Ancestors to Co-Create A Better World

Join Ancestral Healing Summit April 8-12, 2019! All around the globe, people have historically cultivated relationships with the wise ancestors in their bloodlines for wisdom, healing, and guidance… In most modern societies, however, we’ve lost touch with the healing power of ancestor work and with our deep spiritual connection to those in our lineages who have a potent influence on our personal and cultural wellbeing. The advances of modern technology, and healing are truly miraculous. Yet, as we continue to push the boundaries of scientific frontiers, we’ve too often become disconnected from our biological and spiritual connection to our roots — and the healing power that comes through recognizing our ancestors as our  allies .   That’s why we’re thrilled to invite you to  The   Ancestral Healing Summit  — a global gathering of leading ancestral healing experts and inspiring teachers who will be sharing  a powerf...

6 Key Benefits - Reinvent Yourself + PDF Book

6 Key Benefits of Reinventing Yourself “Every day, You Reinvent Yourself. You’re always in motion. But you decide every day: forward or backward.” ~ James Altucher We often make our way to the idea of reinvention after experiencing frustration and discontentment with our lives. Sometimes there’s a sense of longing to do something different, to find a new way to live and to be. This kind of reinvention evolves from the human need to grow and to change. Change comes about because there has to be more to human existence than simply existing and most people sense that over time. Sometimes though in the early stages of reinvention, we think about what benefits we might receive from building a new self. At first, perhaps we just want to be free of a stale, confining and suffocating way of life, but that might not seem enough to us right then. Other than liberating yourself from a life with no change and no growth, what other benefits does reinvention offer? >>...

Master your intuitive abilities as an empath or a sensitive aka HSP

Use your chakras as portals to intuitive wisdom, healing, and guidance Are you an empath or sensitive person who tends to easily pick up on other people’s energy? Do you often receive intuitive “hits” about a person or situation that later turn out to be remarkably accurate? If so, you may be likely to “absorb” other people’s energy, resulting in feelings of overwhelm, fragmentation, or ungroundedness — a clear signal that  it’s time to master your intuitive gifts and energetic boundaries . According to leading intuitive healer and spiritual teacher Wendy De Rosa, the first step to mastering your intuitive gifts is understanding how — and where — your BODY is sensing energy and information. Wendy will show you how to tune into your body’s chakras and open to ALL of your intuitive gifts — clairvoyant, clairsentient, clairaudient, claircognizant — so you can fully empower yourself as a sensitive or an...

Why Authentic Love Begins with Redefining the Way We Love Ourselves

Discover the crucial link between self-love, romantic love, and loving all of life Do you ever feel (or have you ever been told?) that you’re too sensitive, too hurt, too fragile, too needy, too silent, too passionate, or too  something , to be genuinely loved by others? So much of what we’re conditioned to believe about love — and about ourselves — suggests that we’re too flawed, and that we can’t experience the intimacy we crave  until we fix ourselves . Finding and cultivating deep and abiding love — not only in romantic partnerships but also with friends or colleagues — is one of the greatest missions of our lives, yet at times it can feel almost impossible to attain.    According to Ken Page, LCSW, renowned psychotherapist, host of The Deeper Dating Podcast and acclaimed author of the bestselling book,  Deeper Dating: How to Drop the Games of Seduction and Discover the Power of Intimacy , authentic love begin...

How to use Lucid dreams to Awaken to a Deeper order of Reality - event recording & training

Robert Moss is the bestselling author of numerous books on the deeper dimensions of how conscious can enhance the quality of our lives. During Discover Magical Dreaming: Practices for Time Traveling, Active Dreaming & Powerful Manifesting, he’ll show you several ways to practice magic through dreaming, for more joy, healing and adventure in your daily life! Read more: How to use Lucid dreams to Awaken to a Deeper order of Reality - event recording & training
Learn How to Lucid Dreaming from Dream Shaman, Active Dreaming Teacher Discover how to Lucid Dreaming for Time Travel & Visiting Parallel Worlds every night while sleeping - listen free event recording: Consider joining special training offered by dream shaman, author and active, conscious dreaming teacher Robert Moss. For centuries, shamans around the world have used dreams as portals to travel intentionally to locales beyond the ordinary, bringing back gifts of wisdom for healing and protection. Now you too can discover exciting, magical ways to dream yourself into other realms, times, and healing places…. and how to bring back your discoveries to bring more joy, possibility, and wellbeing into your everyday life. Bestselling author and dream shaman Robert Moss will share a taste of this fascinating way of “conscious” dreaming, along with core techniques of “Active Dreaming,” his original synthesis of dreamwork and shamanism. Join us to Di...

Align with the Moon to Bring Deeper Order, Vision, & Inspiration into Your Life

Align with the power of the cosmos to manifest your soul’s purpose Did you know that a time-honored source for uncovering your soul’s purpose — and providing a step-by-step guide for manifestation — is the Moon? According to transformational leader Devaa Haley Mitchell, the Moon is a source of profound wisdom, a living metaphor that can support you in the unfolding of your soul’s work… the visions and dreams that are yours to bring forth in the world. By aligning with the Moon and the feminine archetypes that correspond with her different phases, you can activate these archetypes through intention and ritual to ignite the magnetic pull of manifestation. On Saturday, March 23, Devaa, the co-founder of The Shift Network and founder of  Inspiring Women With Soul , will show you how to use each major phase of the lunar cycle to call in your personal power, set powerful intentions for bettering your life, and make your deepest longings manifest. ...

Now - Plant Medicine Summit Join for Personal, Spiritual & Ecological Wellbeing

Did you know that the power to heal was all around you in the natural world? Since the dawn of humanity, people from across the globe have used what was in “nature’s pharmacy” to heal themselves — botanical treatments, healing tinctures, and medicinal remedies from the herbs, flowers, and flora that surrounded them. The advances of modern medicine are truly miraculous. Yet, as we continue to push the boundaries of scientific frontiers, we’ve too often lost touch with our biological and spiritual connection to nature, and the healing power that comes through our plant allies. That’s why I’m so passionate about inviting you to join me for  The Plant Medicine Summit , where you’ll discover  how  plants can purify, rejuvenate, and evolve us — as they sharpen our minds, extend our lives, and deepen our connection with this blessed planet. Free Online Event The Plant Medicine Summit March 18-22, 2019 This special gathering...

Cultivate Deep and Lasting Love in Every Area of Your Life

Do you ever feel (or have you ever been told?) that you’re too sensitive, too hurt, too fragile, too needy, too silent, too passionate, or too  something , to be genuinely loved by others? So much of what we’re conditioned to believe about love — and about ourselves — suggests that we’re too flawed, and that we can’t experience the intimacy we crave  until we fix ourselves . Finding and cultivating deep and abiding love — not only in romantic partnerships but also with friends or colleagues — is one of the greatest missions of our lives, yet at times it can feel almost impossible to attain.    According to Ken Page, LCSW, renowned psychotherapist, host of The Deeper Dating Podcast and acclaimed author of the bestselling book,  Deeper Dating: How to Drop the Games of Seduction and Discover the Power of Intimacy , authentic love begins with redefining the way we love ourselves… On Wednesday, March 20, (encore ...

Get Tapping Summit Recordings + Bonuses for less! - Quickly recall & learn more of EFT

The price of the Tapping World Summit will be going up 15 of March night at midnight… The 2019 Tapping World Summit upgrade opportunity – which is owning the actual audio presentations, along with the workbook, transcripts and some incredible bonuses in either digital or hard copy format – ends March 15 at midnight Pacific Time, so later the price for the digital access will double to $197 and the price of the physical package will go up by 50% to $297.   It’s currently only $97 for the digital download access and $197 for the physical access (which includes the digital access). Plus right now you get a ton of bonuses that will also disappear tomorrow night, like Nick Ortner’s best-selling book “The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief” with the physical package, additional Tapping Meditations, additional bonuses presentations, and many others.   It really is such a great deal. You can learn more and get the program here.   And beyon...

Control yourself through Meditation

In hustle and bustle of life, our mind and body exhaust and resign to daily pressure and stress we face. Physical illnesses may be treated with medicines but soul, which controls our morale, motivation and happiness, cannot be cured with scientific measures. To evaluate your emotions and bring harmony to feelings, you must practice meditation along with other tasks of your life. It relaxes your nerves and muscles and brings peace to your inner structure, which allows greater efficiency in other activities. Although it’s an intangible mechanism, sill there is some themes that are followed for each distinct technique of meditation. It starts with understanding your own self, the pattern of nature and how both work coherently to bring peace. So instead of beginning the meditation practices randomly, read about the philosophy and underlying rules of that particular activity. Once you start believing in unseen structures, you get to step closer to the higher purpose of life. This allo...

Join Deep Meditation Practice - Next Level for Accelerated Awakening - Live Event

Navigate your life with more groundedness, presence, and clarity What if you could experience a “next-level stage” of meditation — one that takes you directly into the heart of the Divine… And what if this practice took you into more blissful and expansive states of awakening while also leading you to be more grounded, available, and effective in the world? The good news is that such a path exists, AND it can be even more accelerated and powerful than the traditional contemplative path —  if  you know how to make your daily life a meditation and work with the natural rhythms of fiery engagement, calm witnessing, and deep restoration. On Thursday, March 14, pioneering contemporary spiritual teacher and internationally renowned mystic Thomas Huebl will explain how to integrate deep spiritual openings into your daily life in a FREE virtual event:  The Next Level of Meditation: Discover an Accelerated Path of Awakening & How to Navigate Comm...

Practice Magic through the Art of Conscious Dreaming - Join March 16 Event

Discover how your dreams can awaken you to a deeper order of reality For centuries, shamans around the world have used dreams as portals to travel intentionally to locales beyond the ordinary, bringing back gifts of wisdom for healing and protection. Now you too can discover exciting, magical ways to dream yourself into other realms, times, and healing places…. and how to bring back your discoveries to bring more joy, possibility, and wellbeing into your everyday life. On Saturday, March 16, bestselling author and dream shaman Robert Moss will share a taste of this fascinating way of “conscious” dreaming, along with core techniques of “ Active Dreaming ,” his original synthesis of dreamwork and shamanism. >> You can register here for  Discover Magical Dreaming: Practices for Time Traveling, Active Dreaming & Powerful Manifesting << During this  exciting, FREE hour-long mini-workshop, you’ll discover: Real magic is the a...