
Showing posts from October, 2018

Join 4 day Dreamwork Summit Nov. 13 - Start Exploring Messages From Your Soul

Receive Guidance, Healing & Inspiration from Your Soul’s Deepest Wisdom What if you could access all the wisdom you need for living a happier, healthier, more fulfilling life… from your nighttime dreams? Imagine if your dreamtime could provide you with the necessary insights to integrate your soul’s deep knowledge and create the life you desire.   Well… it actually does. Paying attention to your dreams and deciphering the messages living in the images, symbols, characters, and landscapes that appear  can  be a magical experience. And today, anyone can practice dreamwork… and reap its many benefits. Dreamwork can help you gain insights into how to  heal an illness, mend a difficult relationship, jumpstart a creative project ,  or make a big life decision . This is why I’m excited to invite you to join  The   Dreamwork Summit  where a global gathering of leading dreamwork experts, renowned psychology professi...

New Enneagram Teachings to Balance Your Instinctual Drives - Nov. 3 Live event

Deeper into the ‘Subtypes’ of the Enneagram In your work with the Enneagram, you’ve likely discovered your basic type and have worked with (or at least heard of) the three subtypes. Yet deeper levels of transformation are available through discovering, uncovering, or recovering your  instinctual drives … According to Russ Hudson, a leading innovator of the modern Enneagram and the co-founder of the Enneagram Institute, your instinctual energies — including the behaviors they create, the pain they cause, and the limiting beliefs they perpetuate — are the exact guides you need to create the change you most want in your life. On Saturday, November 3, Russ will illuminate an essential part of your journey as an awakened human being — through NEW Enneagram teachings on the instincts — during a FREE video event,  New Instincts Teachings From the Enneagram Trenches: Getting Real About ‘Enlightenment’ & Your Basic Human ...

Qigong for Women - powerful practices - October Live event

3 Keys to Heal Your Body, Nourish Your Spirit & Empower You Daily Your body is designed to heal and re-balance itself… to feel grounded and powerful, vital, and graceful. Simple, yet powerful Qigong movements allow you to harness your body’s innate healing ability — to dissolve stress, clear energy blocks, and improve your overall wellbeing.   That’s why we’re excited to invite you to a free video event on Wednesday, October 24, (replay on Saturday) with renowned Qigong teacher and author Daisy Lee:  Discover the Radiant Lotus Qigong Practice for Women: 3 Keys to Heal Your Body, Nourish Your Spirit & Empower You Daily. >> You can reserve your complimentary space here << Daisy Lee’s  Radiant Lotus Qigong Practice for Women  offers dynamic (yet gentle) techniques to support you in renewing and revitalizing your life-force energy — so it can move smoothly and radiate out into all aspects of your daily li...

Receive Awakened Feminine Wisdom from the Female Buddha

Discover the full spectrum of the sacred feminine within you As a women, do you feel a constant inner pull between being the person society wants you to be, and  who you truly are ? If so, you’re not alone. The pure nature of our being can be easily muddied by cultural conditioning — and jumbled about by the turbulence of current world affairs. This is why I’m inviting you to join us for  The Healing Blessing of Tara: Receiving Awakened Feminine Wisdom from the Female Buddha , an October 27 FREE video event with Lama Palden Drolma, one of the first Western women to be authorized as a Lama. >> You can register here for Live event (get recording later) << Revered by Tibetans as the most beloved of all female awakened beings, this fully enlightened deity (Tara) is known as the Savioress… the one who “ferries beings across the ocean of samsara (the cycle of death and rebirth).” Tara can specifically help you release the narrativ...

Activate Charge in Your Chakras for Deep & Transformative Healing - Saturday Oct. 20 Live!

Discover the inner psychology of working with your life-force energy We’re excited to invite you to join world-renowned chakra expert and leading somatic therapist  Anodea Judith  as she shares her considerable wisdom about how “charge” relates to our chakras. What exactly is  “charge?”   It’s your core life force, which powers everything you do. According to Anodea, understanding how your life-force energy, or charge, works and interfaces with your mind and body is the missing ingredient in the field of mind-body healing. You can discover how to activate and harmonize your charge to heal and transform your life during a FREE October 20 video event with her:  Charge & the Chakras: The Inner Psychology of Activating & Harmonizing Your Life Force. >> Get all the details and Join us here for Live event << When your charge is blocked or diminished, you can feel off balance, out of control, and st...

Discover Alchemical Practices & Healing Mysteries of Ancient Egypt

Experience Egyptian shamanism thru its powerful deities… Are you intrigued by the healing magic of ancient Egypt? And by shamanism, with its sacred practices that can transform your life in deep and lasting ways? There’s a compelling shamanic path you may not know about… Egyptian shamanism, which brings us powerful alchemical practices for drawing from the wisdom and healing energies of this ancient civilization. In fact, through the practice of Egyptian shamanism, you can remember your true nature as a divine human with sacred purpose… and so much more. On Wednesday, October 17, (replay Oct. 20) renowned author and teacher of Egyptian mysteries, Nicki Scully, will help you dip into the alchemical ways of the Egyptian mysteries to help you remember and reactivate your vital life force  during a FREE video event:  Discover Egyptian Shamanism: Awakening the Deities Hathor, Sekhmet, Isis & Thoth Within You. >> Register here for  Live ev...

Join us October 23-26 for The Essential Oils & Aromatherapy Summit

Discover why not all essential oils are created equal (and why not all advice is trustworthy) Are you intrigued by the healing powers of essential oils? Maybe you’ve applied aromatherapy to find relief from a health condition or to uplift you emotionally or spiritually? Essential oils are one of the trendiest, fastest growing modalities of natural medicine — and one of the most misunderstood, misused, and potentially abused . Yet, not all of essential oils are created equal — and not all advice is trustworthy. Low quality, false marketing claims, and myths about safe production can be detrimental to your healing… Used correctly, however, essential oils can be a very powerful and safe way to revitalize and balance your body, emotions, mind, and spirit.    This is why I’m passionate about inviting you to join me for  The Essential Oils & Aromatherapy Summit , where you’ll discover  exactly how to apply nature’s most potent...

Healing childhood wounds & lead a purpose-driven life - Listen Live October 13

Are you ready to shift from old patterns to new achievements? Most of us feel held back from genuinely expressing ourselves and fully living our higher purpose and greatest joy… Have you thought about what might be holding YOU back? If you could dissolve whatever that is for you… the fears… the resistance… the old wounds… would you? If your answer is “yes,” I invite you to join me on Saturday, October 13, to discover how you can completely transform your relationship with your wounds — and shift from wound-driven patterns to purpose-driven motivation. Respected change agents Tim Kelley and Beth Scanzani will show you how to free yourself from the core wound-driven patterns that hold you back –– especially when what you desire is really important to you –– during  Getting Your Wounds Out of Your Way: How to Heal Your Deepest Patterns & Liberate Your Purpose. >> You can register for this FREE video e...

October 10 & 13 Discover Next Level of Energy Medicine w/ Dr. Sue Morter - Live event

Discover Energy Codes Advanced Teachings… You’ve likely already worked on clearing blocks, improving your flow, and grounding in your energy body to promote healing. But have you discovered how to activate high-frequency energy streams that are so powerful they exist  beyond  your physical body? Master of Bio-Energetic Medicine and Quantum Field visionary Dr. Sue Morter will teach you how to work with these unique energies — specifically chakras 8-12 (yes you have more than 7!) — to powerfully manifest in alignment with your soul’s divine mission and your life purpose. You can register for  Discover the Next Level of Energy Medicine: Advanced Teachings to Deepen Your Healing & Intuitive Mastery and Activate Higher Frequencies of Consciousness During this FREE live video event on  Wednesday, October 10 (replay on Saturday October 13) , you’ll: Discover you can become a “steward” of your own energy… for healin...

Using Chemotherapy To Kill Cancer is like Using Napalm On A Pest Problem...

Is Chemotherapy The Biggest Medical Lie Of Our Time? Right now, we have a huge medical problem in our country that is being ignored by the medical industry. But it might surprise you to know it’s not cancer. It’s the way we treat cancer. Especially when it comes to the use of chemotherapy. Part of the problem with the way cancer is treated, is because it has always been and will always be a highly emotional topic. And here’s why. Traditionally, a medical diagnosis of cancer meant the person was given a death sentence. Now, this is important to know, because as soon as death is attached to any disease, if anyone dares to go against the standard medical treatment regimen – they’re instantly seen as “preying on the dying.” But the person is only “dying” because they have been told by their doctor. Before their diagnosis, they were very much alive. They already had cancer, but it hadn’t been detected yet. The fact is, if anyone su...

Don't Miss!! Once a Year Event: Paradigm Shift Seminar > October 5th - 7th. < Must Watch!

This is Your Chance to Change Your Life for Better! People have waited decades for this… When people want to move ahead, they often think about what they’ll have to give up. Well, Bob Proctor, a man who has gone from down and out to changing the world,says we should be thinking about what’s coming. Because what’s coming is what we want… It’s more money, better health, improved relationships, a new business… whatever we have our heart set on. Of course, it’s easy to want those things. But it’s not so easy to get them. Unless and until you change the thing that is keeping you from your desires. We’re talking about your paradigm — the mental program that has almost exclusive control over your habitual behavior. Bob Proctor is a master at showing you how to change your paradigm. It’s how he changed his own life, and it’s what he has been studying for the past 50+ years. He knows that changing your paradigm ...

Once a Year - Live Training: Unlock your brain for greater wealth & success!

Here’s what brain scientists say make some people wealthy and successful This Saturday John Assaraf (New York Times Best Selling Author and founder of NeuroGym) has gathered six of the world’s top brain science and success experts to help you unlock and ignite your brain’s fullest potential on … The All New 7th Annual Live Brain-A-Thon (click here to register) Over the past seven years, well over 1,000,000 people have flocked to this amazing live online training event to discover the latest, cutting edge research on how to eliminate limiting beliefs and habits. How to recognize and squash subconscious fears and how to upgrade your self image and self worth so you take more inspired action. Here’s why you should attend: The world’s top brain science and success experts have found a series of “invisible processes” that happen in the human brain that either lead you toward success in life… or hold you back from getting where you want. ...

Experience Kundalini Activation - evolutionary force of divine power within you

Awaken the vast intelligence of the entire universe within you… Spiritual seekers have long heard the lore about the rapid spiritual growth that can be sparked when you awaken the Kundalini energy that typically lies dormant at the base of your spine. The awakening of Kundalini is a subject surrounded by hype, myth, and tales of caution; however, it is possible to connect with this primal force in a way that is grounded, gentle, and powerfully liberating — opening you to mystical awareness and a vast field of blissful energy. On Saturday, October 6,  spiritual teacher Raja Choudhury will offer you potent, practical insights for working with this powerful energy safely and harmoniously to deepen and enrich your life  during a FREE online event:  7 Keys to Awakening Your Kundalini: How to Safely Liberate the Blissful Divine Power Within. >> You can register here for Live event or get a recording << During this complimentary hour, you’ll: U...

Discover 7 Healing Sounds Hidden in Your Voice with Chloe Goodchild

Reduce stress & foster emotional healing through the music of your chakras Did you know that the sounds of your voice have the power to transform negative emotions, release blocked energy, and dissolve stress in your body? Yes, you can use your voice to awaken areas that may have been blocked for years, empowering you to express yourself freely and embody true compassion. In fact, through a direct experience of your authentic voice, you can discover your innate capacity to heal from limited emotional states, and move into love, forgiveness, and presence. On  Wednesday, October 3 international singer, educator, and author  Chloë  Goodchild will share a potent, heart-centered approach to using sound to heal –– so you can feel more self-empowered and creative –– in a complimentary virtual event,  Discover 7 Healing Sounds Hidden in Your Voice: Liberating the ‘Tonal Energies’ of Your Soul for Healing, Love & Creativity. ...