Shamanic Perception revealed by Respected Shamanism Teachers (June 30 live event)

Become Reality bending superhuman

Reclaim your sense of joy, belonging & connection to nature

Do you sometimes feel pangs of isolation living in this frenzied digital age?

Have you occasionally “forgotten” what it is to be truly human –– with the wholeness you seek seemingly and perpetually out of reach?

If so, you’re not alone. And perhaps the shamanic path has medicine for you…

If you long to experience the connectedness, love, and fulfillment that’s your birthright, you won’t want to miss a free video event with deeply respected shamanism teachers Sandra Ingerman and Evelyn Rysdyk on Saturday, June 30, called: How to See the World Through Sacred Eyes: Discovering the Heart of Shamanic Perception.

>> You can reserve your free space here for Live event or get a recording <<

How to See the World Through Sacred Eyes: Discovering the Heart of Shamanic Perception

During this powerful hour, you’ll discover:

  • Miraculous stories of shamanic work to help you understand your place in the Web of Life and what you can experience when you establish a deep relationship with nature

  • Shamanic practices taught to young members of Indigenous communities that can help you uncover your innate gifts, strengths, and capabilities for healing

  • That to enter the Flow of Life, you must find your own voice and inner healer and be willing to face your old wounds, remove yourself from others’ projections, and remove the projections you’ve placed on others

  • That a grounded and rich inner life is the key to effectively working with the power of light for healing and transformation

  • Steps for opening the veils between dimensions and seeing beyond suffering to perceive the magnificent beauty, joy, love, and light of life

Attending this complimentary online event can help you start to reclaim “the shamanic life” that we are all innately designed to lead — and to open to rediscovering your full humanness with all its heart- and soul-filling qualities.

So do join us for this fascinating hour with two of the most renowned master teachers of shamanism. It’s free, but you must register here to receive access details.

Don’t miss your chance to experience Sandra Ingerman and Evelyn Rysdyk as they share stories and potent insights that can help you start to restore your shamanic perception — the expanded view of life our ancestral shamans have preserved for us.

Viewing life through these sacred eyes can help you more fully open your heart, more deeply connect with all living things, and live in ways that ground you in being more fully human.

Discover more and reserve your free space for How to See the World Through Sacred Eyes: Discovering the Heart of Shamanic Perception.

Below we included related (internet radio) interview with Sandra Ingerman to listen on your spare time to learn more about amazing world of ancient teaching of shamanism.

First included video in header with shaman’s drumming (by Sandra Ingerman) is related to shamanic journeying practice. You can learn more about it by accessing recording here (while available).


We have also included another related interview with Evelyn Rysdyk that you might want to hear – listen below.

Read more: Read more stuff like this.


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