Can meditation & purpose of life help you live longer?

Become Reality bending superhuman

What is the one common factor that stands out among the healthiest and longest lived people on the planet?


These people have a reason to live.

Whether it is family, friends, community, work, charity or making a difference in the world in some way, they are clearly motivated to live their best lives.

Surprising fact: Scientific evidence suggests that community and purpose actually impact our physical health and longevity.

Did you know that when the world’s healthiest people are asked about their secrets to living long, healthy, happy lives, the most common answers have very little to do with food or exercise?

Some of the most common reasons they state as to why they live such long, healthy lives were things like purpose, gratitude, and forgiveness.

Episode 7 on 5PM ET, Tuesday May 15th of The Human Longevity Project revolves around mindset, community, spirituality, and emotional trauma. This might be the single most powerful episode of this incredible series!

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You’ll hear from leading researchers, doctors, and experts, as well as elders from the world’s healthiest populations, on how these often overlooked and undervalued factors may actually be the biggest keys to a long, healthy and happy life.

How meditation practice impact longevity?

In new 9 part documentary, The Human Longevity Project, Dr. Datis Kharrazian comments, “In states of meditation… you change your heart rate, you start to release opioids, you go into an anti-inflammatory state… it’s one of the most profound ways to really impact your physiology.” It’ll come as no surprise to you that meditation and mindfulness are good for you.

A new project by my friend and colleague, Jason Prall, actually looked into things like meditation, gratitude, and human connection in the planet’s healthiest people. He also spoke to some of the world’s thought leaders and luminaries, and for the first time, uncovered some of the underlying mechanisms that afford these people such vibrant health and longevity.

In his new series, The Human Longevity Project, Jason gives us a blueprint for living a life filled with purpose, abundant health, and profound happiness. Learn how to watch for free here.

In the upcoming 9 part documentary, The Human Longevity Project, JP Sears comments, “Maybe life loves us enough to gift us with pain, to get our attention, when we’re not calibrated with our life purpose.”

As my friend and health researcher, Jason Prall traveled the world to seek answers from the planet’s healthiest people, a few things became clear: What these extraordinary people all had in common were things like gratitude, community, connection, and a sense of purpose.

These things seemed even more important than diet and exercise. It was these intangible elements that indeed played the biggest role in why they were so happy and healthy, even into their 90s, 100s and beyond. If you’re not familiar with what I’m talking about, you should be.

See, Jason began his global quest 2 years ago, with something he calls, The Human Longevity Project.

You can reserve your spot now for the limited airing of this incredible documentary

Read more: Read more stuff like this.


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